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Sanbalolshe Institutes Overhaul at Somalia’s Intelligence Agency: New Leadership brings change

Somalia's intelligence agency, NISA, is undergoing a significant overhaul as the new director, Abdullahi Sanbalolshe, makes key leadership changes to strengthen the organization in the face of security challenges. The reshuffle includes the appointment of Muhiyidin Warbac as the new deputy director, bringing his expertise in counterterrorism to enhance strategic objectives. Abdifitah Shawe has been named head of the Benadir region, focusing on improving security in Mogadishu. Abdikadir Hayow is the new head of security at…

Dietitians Reveal the Top 15 Heart-Damaging Foods to Avoid for High Cholesterol

You eat oatmeal for breakfast, use skim milk in your coffee, and have salads for lunch. Yet, your doctor says your cholesterol is high. How can that be? Many factors increase your total cholesterol, including genetics, lifestyle, and food choices. Eating whole grains and veggies is part of the heart-healthy diet for people with high cholesterol. Still, some of your other food choices may contribute to your elevated cholesterol numbers, particularly LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, often…

Effortlessly Reduce Caloric Intake: 25 Simple Strategies For Healthier Eating

There are numerous ways to approach a weight loss goal. Some common methods include increasing exercise, modifying food choices, and improving hydration. One of the simplest ways to work towards a lower weight is to cut calories from your diet. Of course, you need to consume a minimum number of calories to support your daily needs, but reducing calories from your diet in a reasonable manner is a great method for weight loss. There are countless ways to go about this. One of the main focuses when…

Discover the Top 25 Most Harmful Breakfast Foods You Should Avoid for a Healthier Start to Your Day

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, but not all breakfast foods are created equal. You may be surprised to learn that many of the most popular breakfast items in the U.S. are loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and empty calories, which can leave you feeling tired and sluggish, while jeopardizing your health in the long run. That's why we spoke with registered dietitians who have compiled a list of the 25 unhealthiest breakfast foods on the planet to help you make…

Transform Your Body with Daily Tea Consumption: Discover the Impact of Regular Tea Intake

Tea is one of the most beloved drinks on the planet. Some people drink it with breakfast, some to wind down before falling asleep, and some share cups with loved ones in the afternoon with their favorite snacks. With people all over the globe consuming this beverage—some for thousands of years—it raises the question of what type of health benefits tea can offer, and if there are any negative side effects to drinking it as well. We talked with registered dietitians about what drinking tea every…

The Impact of Daily Beer Consumption on Your Body: Uncover the Surprising Effects

For many of us, a cold beer after a long work day or during a casual gathering with friends is a delightful ritual. Beer has been an American staple for centuries with its many flavors and cultural significance. But what really happens to your body if you make drinking beer a daily habit? Beer, like any alcoholic beverage, can significantly impact your body. And, like any pleasurable food or beverage, moderation is key to enjoying beer responsibly. While some studies suggest that moderate beer…

Top 10 Beverages Recommended by a Nutrition Expert for Achieving a Toned Stomach

When it comes to sculpting a toned and flat belly, you may think what you choose to put on your plate will make or break your success. But what you choose to drink can be just as crucial as what you eat. While beverages are often overlooked when it comes to managing weight, they play a significant role in weight management. From revving up your metabolism to boosting digestion and curbing cravings, the right drinks can help you achieve a toned midsection. To learn more about the top…

Top 10 Dietitian-Approved Juices for Optimal Health on Store Shelves

The product recommendations in this post are recommendations by the writer and/or expert(s) interviewed and do not contain affiliate links. Meaning: If you use these links to buy something, we will not earn a commission. As beverages go, juice is one of the most controversial. Is it healthy since it's made of fruit? Or is it bad for you since it's full of sugar? The answer: it depends on the juice brand. Though some fruity beverages that go by the name juice are little more than sugar water,…

Torch Stubborn Belly Fat with These 6 Metabolism-Boosting Teas

Losing weight is already hard enough, but specifically losing fat around your stomach can be an extra challenge. That's because most belly fat is different than the fat around the rest of your body. The majority of your belly fat is called visceral fat, which is located deeper than other body fat and sits around your abdominal organs. This makes it more dangerous than other body fat, and carrying too much of it can lead to an increased risk of things like heart disease or diabetes. Thankfully,…

Boost Your Health: Discover the 8 Amazing Advantages of Incorporating Healthy Fats into Your Diet

When it comes to navigating the world of fats, it's important to remember that not all fats are created equal. Despite sounding a bit counterintuitive, eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat. The key to including fat in a healthy diet is understanding which fats are considered healthy and which ones aren't. Healthy fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, play a pivotal role in many aspects of our health. Food sources of healthy fats include fatty fish (like salmon), olive oil, nuts, and avocado. On the…

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