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who’s Mohamed Bazoum, the newly elected president

The election of Mohamed Bazoum to the Nigerian presidency was validated on Sunday, March 21, by the Constitutional Court. The PNDS candidate won by just over ten points ahead of his opponent, Mahamane Ousmane: 55.66% of the vote against 44.34% for his rival. Mahamadou Issoufou's successor is therefore elected for five years.…

the Constitutional Courtroom declares Mohamed Bazoum

The Nigerian Constitutional Court declares Mohamed Bazoum, from the ruling PNDS party, the winner of the second round of the presidential election on 21 February with 55.66% of the vote. RDR-Tchanji's opponent Mahamane Ousmane won 44.34% of the vote. Turnout was 62.81% according to the final election results. With our Special…

a ministerial mission goes to

A high-level ministerial mission went to the scene of the Banibangou attack on Thursday 18 March in Tillabéry in the western part of the country. On Monday, gunmen killed 58 villagers returning from a trade show. The Minister of the Interior, Alkashe Allada, accompanied among others by the Minister of Humanitarian Action and…

after the homicide of 58 villagers, the Nigerians

On Monday evening, March 15, 58 villagers returning from a massacre were shot by gunmen in Niger. On Wednesday, the head of state, Mahamadou Issoufou, chaired an extraordinary Security Council. The increase of military personnel in Tillabéry and the dispatch of a high-level ministerial mission on the ground have been decided. Emotions run high in the streets of the capital Niamey.…

Extraordinary Nationwide Safety Council after

In Niger, three days of national mourning begin today after the death on Monday, March 15, of 58 people during an attack in the town of Banibangou in the Tillabéry region of the western country. The victims were villagers returning from the weekly market in Banibangou, towards the Malian border. On Wednesday morning, an extraordinary National Security Council was convened.…

new terrorist assault within the area

In Niger, at least 30 people died in a terrorist attack near Banibangou in the Tillabéry region in the western part of the country. According to security sources, villagers were attacked on Monday. The gunmen allegedly carried out their attacks on two axes, two roads connecting Banibangou with China goods on one side and to…

Younger Nigerian web customers want to remain

In Niger, political tensions are still high as the country awaits the Supreme Court ruling on the validity of the preliminary results of the presidential election. Last week, prosecutors announced that about 350 people would be prosecuted for their role in the violence in the post-election crisis. According to their lawyers, some of these people were arrested for data disseminated on social networks.…

Closure of the Cominak mine in Akouta, Niger,

In Niger, the city of Arlit, 250 kilometers from Agadez, in the north of the country, painfully accuses the news of the closure of the Akouta mine, scheduled for March 31. On Wednesday, Moussa Souley, general manager of Cominak, Akouta's mining company, announced to the press the terms of the closure of this mine site. With our…

Kenya, Niger & Tunisia ayaa diiday qaraarka Qaramada Midoobay

Golaha Amniga ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa jimcihii meel mariyey qaraar lagu kordhiyey waqtiga howlgalka nabad ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya ilaa iyo bisha Diseember 2021, waxayna ugu baaqeen maamulada Soomaaliya in ay qabtaan "dib u dhac la'aan" doorashooyinka. Qoraalka oo ka kooban 13 bog oo ay diyaarisay Britain ayaa waxaa ogolaaday inta badan 15 xubnood oo Golaha ka tirsan, sida laga soo xigtay ilo diblomaasiyadeed. Qaraarka, in si wada jir ah loo qaato, wuxuu u idmay Midowga Afrika inay sii wadaan hawlgallada…

The Grand Marché of Niamey reopens its doors

The front doors to the Grand Marché of Niamey have reopened since this week. An event because it had been more than two years since they were closed due to work on the highway. While the Covid-19 pandemic and the violence in the post-election crisis have hit the capital's economic lung hard, traders are hoping to reopen their doors.…

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