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Natural disasters

The Goma Volcanological Observatory failed to do so

In Goma, after the shock caused by the sudden eruption of Nyiragongo on the evening of Saturday, May 22, which killed about twenty people and injured several towns, and especially Buhene, it is time for questions. In particular, to know why the Goma Volcanological Observatory, which is responsible for monitoring and warning of the slightest problem, could not fulfill its role.…

the inhabitants of Buhene

The earth is still shaking on Monday morning, May 24 in Goma. Seismic tremors that maintain concern in the population of the capital of northern Kivu, terrified on Saturday night of the Niyragongo volcano. The human path is already heavy with almost twenty victims. Several places on the outskirts were damaged by the lava, especially Buhene.…

Featured: Goma was very hot!

"The city of Goma, the capital of the DRC province of North Kivu, has survived," the Congolese sitePolitico. Threatened by the destruction of the volcano Nyiragongo, which erupted early in the evening on Saturday, Goma was finally not reached by the lava flows. The molten magma stopped at the city gates and destroyed homes and fields in the Buhene built-up area."Patrick Muyaya, Minister of Communications and Government…

of the residents hesitate to return to Goma after

The Nyiragongo volcano, near Goma, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, no longer seems threatening. Local authorities apologize for 14 direct or indirect victims after the outbreak. Some Goma residents who fled on Saturday night began returning home on Sunday, but caution remains. Raymond Mbanza lives in southern…

“We were lucky to have a lava flow

The Nyiragongo volcano, near Goma, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, no longer seems threatening. Volcanologist Benoît Smets looks back on this eruption that surprised everyone, even though we knew this volcano could erupt one day or another The lava flow has ceased just before you arrive in the city. Last night,…

the lava flow has ceased but the shaking

The famous volcano Nyiragongo, near the city of Goma, in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), came into sudden activity on Saturday night and the authorities ordered the evacuation of the city. This Sunday morning, the lava flow seems to have stopped its development, reports AFP, and the inhabitants are starting to return.…

Africa between expectations and urgent action

The fight for the climate is at the heart of an international virtual summit organized over two days by US President Joe Biden in connection with Earth Day. On the African continent, signs of disruption are increasing. The Joe Biden's first announcements denote a desire to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. To lead by example,…

at the least 4 useless in lethal floods

Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was again hit by floods on Tuesday after heavy rain fell there all morning. At least four people have died in the floods. And in several neighborhoods, residents woke up with their feet in the water in a city that is expanding more and more. as reported from Kinshasa,…

the state of humanitarian emergency declared

More than 180,000 inhabitants of central and northern Congo spend their annual feast with their feet in the water. These residents, located along the Congo River and its tributary, the Ubangi, are victims of floods caused by rain that has been falling continuously since October in the country. The government, which has declared a state of humanitarian emergency, is preparing to deploy aid and is urging partners to follow it. From Makotimpko to Liranga via Mossaka or Loukoklela, the humanitarian was able to carry out…

Ethiopia: northern a part of the nation uncovered to local weather change

Northern Ethiopia has been hit by a number of pure disasters this yr. First, the worst 25-year-old grasshopper invasion destroyed a whole bunch of hundreds of hectares of crops and additional weakened meals safety within the Horn of Africa. One other damaging pure phenomenon is the report flood over the last wet season that displaced greater than 300,000 individuals within the nation. A brand new local…

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