in Goma, the earth continues to shake

Three days now after the eruption of Nyiragongo, violent repeated earthquakes continue to shake Goma. A building has also partially collapsed this Tuesday, May 25 in the morning. A crack a few centimeters wide but several hundred meters long divided the land in the western part of the city. A climate of panic continues to reign in place.

With our special correspondent in Goma, William basimike

It is a two-story building that collapsed, while there were children inside due to the earthquakes that shake the city every five to twenty minutes. This tragedy occurred at 12 o’clock in the Katindo district, near the Ishango Hotel.

“We do not know exactly what happened, but we heard something rumbling in the casing before we saw large clouds of dust. And that’s when we realized that the house collapsed, witnesses say.

Others cite the path of at least one death, but which has not yet been confirmed by medical sources. The injured were taken to nearby health facilities for treatment.

This morning’s earthquakes have also caused large cracks in various parts of the city, such as the famous mountain Goma, where large faults are visible.

The avenue for the institute in Goma is not saved. At least three large cracks can be seen outside the city’s public hospital. This situation further worries the residents of Goma, who are recovering from it. to expertise from the Volcanological Observatory, where the government delegation must meet with other local authorities to assess the damage and try to find ways and solutions.

Goma cut off from the world

Nyaragongo’s disturbances isolated Goma from the world. The airport is closed for a month due to cracks in the ground. The main road to the north is cut off. And this causes supply problems for the population, as food prices are already rising. Some foods have already seen the price rise by 50% and even doubled since the volcanic eruption, according to a representative of civil society in Goma

The capital of northern Kivu is no longer delivered by road to Butembo. It was cut by a lava flow near Kibati. However, this is where the products that feed Goma from Rutshuru arrive daily: beans, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, but also cassava and rice or fresh and salted fish. This road will not be cleared before the end of the week, estimates the representative of the local employers.

Meanwhile, Goma is delivered by a much more difficult road from Sake to the west or by boat through Lake Kivu. Disruptions that increase transport costs and thus on arrival of products.


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