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Natural disasters

Félix Tshisekedi travels to Goma with

Félix Tshisekedi and his wife arrived in Goma on Saturday 12 June. The Congolese head of state visited the region to sympathize with the victims of the May 22 volcanic eruption. He is accompanied by at least eight ministers in this mission, which is both humanitarian and security. According to initial information, Felix Tshisekedi will be able to stay in the region for at least seven days.…

part of Virungaparken disgraced by

A little more than two weeks after the eruption of the volcano Nyiragongo, life begins to resume in Goma and its surroundings, but the damage is still visible both in the city, where the cracks are felt in some places and around Goma. Part of Virunga National Park still has the scars of the lava flow. This park is presented as the protected area that contains the richest biodiversity in Africa.…

after the volcanic eruption, increase

After the Nyiragongo eruption near Goma, some almost frozen files reappeared. Authorities are warned of the massive presence of carbon dioxide in Kabuno Bay, which is located in the northwest corner of Lake Kivu. They suddenly accelerate the procedure for phasing out this land hatch, where only a narrow passage separates it from the lake. Funds are now needed to avoid the risk of seeing millions of…

the relocation of the displaced to Goma raises the question of

The government has approved the gradual and orderly return of the displaced population after the volcanic eruption on 22 May. But the population returning to Goma risks facing several challenges, especially housing and especially the difficulties in supplying drinking water. The Congolese government is now studying the possibility of moving the city of Goma.…

Nyiragongo outbreak: “There was no sign

Congolese Prime Minister Sama Lukonde Kyenge ended a three-day visit to Goma on Monday, affected by a volcanic eruption on May 22. Eight million US dollars is needed, he said, to meet the urgent needs of the affected populations who had to evacuate Goma in a disaster. The Prime Minister has approved that these populations gradually return and promises that lessons will be learned ... He answers questions from Patient Ligodi. RFI: Why the Goma Volcanological Observatory (OVG) could not raise the warning before the outbreak…

the coffee sector had a strong impact

The eruption of Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo has several economic consequences, particularly in the coffee sector. The harvest that is currently taking place in the region is still being done, but the processing of the coffee beans and their transport is on schedule. As a result, planters run the risk of losing money.…

Buhene, a village washed by lava

According to the official report, the volcanic eruption on May 22 killed more than 30 people, destroyed more than 3,000 houses, and affected health centers and schools in Goma and its environs. Among the affected neighborhoods is Buhene, on the outskirts of Nyiragongo's territory. The damage there is enormous. Almost two weeks after the volcanic eruption, lava is still smoking in parts of Buhene. The whitish vapor escapes from these forming rocks and the stifling heat invades the atmosphere. Hard to stay long in the…

Nyiragongo, a fascinating and dangerous volcano

For ten days he has been responsible for the relocation of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants from the Congolese city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Nyiragongo, the most dangerous volcano in Africa, once again threatens this city in the eastern part of the country. This volcano, located in the great East African rift, continues to fascinate scientists and poses an eternal threat to the…

B. Smets, volcanologist: “No one could have it

It is the most dangerous volcano in Africa. At the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, ten days after the outbreak, Nyiragongo seems to be calming down. But the crisis unit in northern Kivu confirms that "the danger is permanent" and asks the people of Goma to remain "vigilant". What are the current risks for Goma residents? The Belgian volcanologist Benoît Smets is a researcher at the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren and teaches at the University of Brussels. Since May 30, he has been…

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