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Somalia: Jubaland Leader Commends Troops for Victory Against Al-Shabaab

Jubaland's Triumph: Honoring Soldiers for Defeating Al-Shabaab KISMAYO, Somalia - Ahmed Madobe, the president of Jubaland, has recognized the valiant efforts of local troops who played a significant role in overcoming Al-Shabaab on three pivotal fronts. This feat was lauded as the 'most triumphant' endeavor by indigenous forces. Madobe bestowed medals upon the soldiers and elevated their ranks for displaying valor in Monday's clashes with the Al-Shabaab faction. The confrontation resulted in the deaths of over 130…

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - Al-Shabaab militants suffered a big setback on Thursday after the Kenya Defense Forces managed to repel an organized assault, which might have been relatively devastating in accordance with eyewitnesses. Senior officers who spoke to the media confirmed that the KDF group answerable for Sector II succeeded in clearing…

Al-Shabaab militants endure large losses in Somalia’s Jubaland

Al-Shabaab militants suffer huge losses in Somalia's Jubaland MOGADISHU, Somalia - Jubaland security forces repelled an al-Shabaab attack over the weekend, in what could be one of the most gradual gains for regional security officers in recent months, giving hope in the fight against the militants. According to military sources, the militants were preparing an assault on Kudha in the Lower Juba…

Abdirashid Janan, a human rights rapist contemplating parliamentary seat for impunity

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Abdirashid Janaan, a notorious human rights rapist has announced his intention to run for parliamentary seat in Somalia amid reports of his alleged fallout with incumbent President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo. At an event in Mogadishu on Saturday, Janaan announced his candidacy for a lower house seat in the upcoming parliamentary polls and would run in Gedo. He controlled sections of the region when he was Jubaland Security Minister. His candidacy came as Somalia kicked off the much-anticipated…

Somali Prime Minister requires unity to defeat terrorism after 4 deaths

Somali Prime Minister calls for unity to defeat terrorism after the death of 4 footballers MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Roble called on Somalis to unite to defeat terrorism after four footballers were killed in an IED explosion on Friday. Roble condemned the terrorist attack in the town of Kismayo in the Lower Jubba region of Jubaland state and called for an immediate end…

Bus with footballers explodes in Somalia as key elections begin

Bus with soccer players exploded in Somalia at the start of key elections MOGADISHU, Somalia - Four local footballers in Somalia were killed when an explosion believed to have been caused by a bomb ravaged their bus on Friday, police and witnesses said. Ten players from the Jubaland Chamber of Commerce and Industry club were on their way to a game at the stadium in the city of Kismayo in…

Somalia: Jubaland begins registration of Senate seats candidates

KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland became the first state in Somalia to show goodwill in implementing the May 27, 2021 electoral accord, possibly paving the way for other states to break the deadlock, which looms large. the country's future in terms of stability. The electoral body of the federal state of southern Somalia began registering senatorial candidates running for four seats, a day before the upper house elections in the city of Kismayo, scheduled for July 29. The country was due to hold elections from July 25, but…

Somalia: Farmaajo’s ally sneaks into Kismayo just a few weeks after his expulsion

Somalia: Farmaajo's ally sneaks into Kismayo a few weeks after his expulsion MOGADISHU, Somalia - A senior adviser to President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo eventually infiltrated Kismayo, the regional administrative capital of Jubaland, from where he was expelled a few weeks ago for claiming he wanted to rig the elections. Abdi Ali Rage arrived in Mogadishu on Monday, a new move that could spark…

Troopers killed in ambush towards navy convoy in Somalia

Soldiers killed in ambush against military convoy in Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - Jubaland security forces suffered a heavy blow when Al-Shabaab first targeted them in as many months, in an ambush in Kudha, Lower Jubba, near Kismayo, the regional administrative capital of Jubaland. At least 8 soldiers were killed in the ambush targeting a convoy of security forces patrolling the small town,…

Somalia: Farmajo’s advisor chased via Kismayo air

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A plane carrying a relative of incumbent President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was turned back in flight Thursday before landing at Kismayo airport in another dramatic event in Somalia's tectonic politics. Abdi Ali Rage, special adviser to outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, was on a plane due to land at Kismayo airport on the Indian Ocean, but authorities in Jubaland were apparently aware of his trip In the region. Several sources confirmed that the plane was denied landing rights, forcing…

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