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Ivory Coast: A Fresh Eviction Initiative

Conflict in Côte d'Ivoire .content { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .image-container { text-align: center; margin: 20px 0; } Conflict Erupts in Adjamé, Côte d'Ivoire Over Evictions On 25 July 2024, tensions skyrocketed in Adjamé, a municipality in Côte d'Ivoire, near the Ebrié district that was bracing itself for an eviction operation. Since 21 July, authorities had been vacating the area…

Ivory Coast: A Unit Established to Combat Disorder

New Measures Implemented to Combat Urban Chaos in Côte d'Ivoire's Abidjan Since late March of the previous year, Côte d'Ivoire's bustling capital, Abidjan, has enacted a prohibition against street vending, begging, and the use of carts within the autonomous district. Authorities seek to curb urban mayhem and refresh the living conditions for the city's inhabitants. In a bid to enforce these regulations, a specialized brigade has been inaugurated. The brigade's launch event, held on Monday, July 22, was a grand affair…

Ivory Coast: The Residents’ Fury in a City

Eviction Sparks Clash in Côte d'Ivoire In the bustling district of Ebrié, within Abidjan's Adjamé commune, tensions erupted on a simmering Sunday, July 21, 2024. The spark? An eviction that caught the locals off guard, clashing local youths with authorities. Residents voiced their discontent, feeling blindsided by the abrupt eviction notice. "You can't just decide to purge an area without talking to its people first," a community leader stressed, advocating for calm and dialogue. Envisioning smoother processes,…

Ivory Coast Initiates Inquiry into the Impact of

Côte d'Ivoire Grappling with HIV/AIDS: Alarming Surge in Youth Infections Over the past decade, Côte d'Ivoire has seen a remarkable 70% plunge in deaths tied to HIV/AIDS. Though this is good news, the nation now grapples with a surge in new infections, especially among the young, particularly those aged 15 to 25. This group represents nearly 40% of recently reported cases. "Abidjan is keen to delve into this troubling trend," remarked one local official. In response, on Friday, July 19, the Ivorian Ministry of…

Ivory Coast: A Literacy Center Aims to Offer More

Empowering Women Through Literacy in Côte d'Ivoire For nearly a quarter-century, the International Association of Women of Côte d'Ivoire (AIFCI) has been lifting women—regardless of age—out of illiteracy. The free center, powered by dedicated volunteers, offers a lifeline in Anoumabo, a bustling neighborhood brimming with people eager to learn. At the heart of Anoumabo's literacy center, life pulses with activity. Women of all ages gather, united by the common goal of learning. Bema Kamagate, a volunteer CP2 teacher,…

Ivory Coast: 164 Burkinabè Refugees Forced to Return

Rejection of Burkinabe Refugees Stirs Regret Among Authorities The Burkinabe government expressed sorrow over the recent denial of entry for 164 of their citizens into Ivory Coast. Since the turmoil began in 2021, approximately 60,000 Burkinabè have sought refuge in Ivory Coast. Families host the majority of these displaced individuals, while two government-operated reception centers provide shelter for the rest.

Ivory Coast Upholds the UN Convention

Côte d'Ivoire Joins United Nations Water Convention in Milestone Move On a sunny Tuesday, Côte d'Ivoire etched its name as the tenth African nation to become part of the United Nations Water Convention. This pact, designed for enhanced cross-border water management, aims to foster collaboration and resource-sharing between nations. Robustly supporting a population nearing 30 million and mushrooming at an annual rate of 2.5%, Côte d'Ivoire faces steep challenges. The country shares eight critical river basins with…

Ivory Coast: Recovering from Academic Setbacks, with a Fresh Start in Education

Second Chances in Côte d'Ivoire - A Path to Success Second Chances in Côte d'Ivoire: A Path to Triumph After Academic Setbacks In Côte d'Ivoire, nearly 34% of high school seniors successfully earned their diplomas this year. But what of those left in the lurch, grappling with failure and uncertainty? For the individuals who didn't make the cut, a challenging period begins. Despite this, hope remains. Some manage to turn things around, opting for technical or professional training…

Ivory Coast: N’Dri’s mafé

Originally from the Ivory Coast, N'Dri was forced to leave school at the age of 14 due to lack of funds. Five years ago, she decided to try her luck and get to work in France. But life is fast becoming hell for this young mother. She is without papers, without a permanent home ... But thanks to the kitchen, her life changes and she starts smiling. N'Dri now integrates the best gastronomic school in…

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