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The 2024 Olympics Football Event: Balancing Frustration and Pride

Mali Draws with Israel in Olympic Football Despite Technical Edge In a captivating clash within Group D of the Olympic football tournament, Mali demonstrated technical flair yet had to settle for a 1-1 draw against Israel. The Aiglons, who showcased immense skill on the field, might harbor some regrets over missed chances. Nonetheless, they expressed pride in their fervent fanbase and the positive image they continue to project for Malian football. "Even though we didn't clinch the win," one supporter mentioned, "our…

satisfaction with the FCC, the parties’ frustration

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), is Kalev Mutondo, former head of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) accused of arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and attempted assassinations during Joseph Kabila's presidency? The Kinshasa-Gombe tribunal de grande instance (TGI), which had initiated a trial, finally declared itself incompetent to try Kalev Mutondo, but for the prosecution and…

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