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roll on rising price of eggs due to

While we are in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we are still waiting for the inauguration of the first government of the Holy Union, but unscrupulous entrepreneurs are taking the opportunity to speculate. The latest case concerns eggs in Kinshasa. Their price has almost doubled. with our special correspondent in…

Food prices skyrocket

The World Food Program (WFP) is sounding the alarm about rising food prices in West Africa, a region already weakened by conflict. It could drive more than 31 million people to food insecurity as the lean season approaches. In West and Central Africa, WFP is calling avoid a "food disaster". More than 31 million people in the region are expected to become food safe in the region, a figure more than 30% higher than last year. And according to WFP, this figure represents the highest level in almost ten years. On average,…

In Ségou in Mali, food kiosks

The solidarity economy every day in Mali, it is this company that sets up food kiosks in the city of Ségou. Frills. They serve froufrou fritters and millet groats cheaply. Local food, short circuits and, above all, prices aimed at combating the hunger that is affecting more and more residents of Ségou. Abidjan, Ivory Coast,…

Ramadan is accompanied by an increase of

Ramadan begins this Tuesday, April 13, in Nigeria and, as every year, religious authorities ask wholesalers not to raise food prices disproportionately. The month of Ramadan often corresponds to a sharp rise in food prices, while the most populous country in Africa is already facing 17% inflation on food products. After a year of recession and the economic and health crisis, many Nigerians have become poor. Jamila, a Muslim from Togo, notes that the prices of corn or beans in recent times have more than doubled in the…

Tofu, a newcomer to “street food”

In Lomé it can be found fried, with a very spicy sauce or grilled on skewers: tofu has become the new star in Togolese "street food". Made from ground soybeans and is usually sold by women who find more income there. Tofu is now one of the most important and can be enjoyed at any time of the day. .

Food security in the Sahel is expected

Food insecurity has reached a new peak, stated the Sahel Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA). This is again worrying for the region. During a virtual meeting that ended on Friday, April 9, the RPCA takes stock of the food security situation in the Sahel region and looks at forecasts for the summer month.19.6 million people…

every third Congolese student suffered a serious one

Uncertainty, displacement of populations, restrictions linked to Coronavirus ... For all these reasons, the food situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is deteriorating and this worries the UN. More than 27 million people are on the brink of starvation. The World Food Program and the Food and Agriculture…

inflation and unemployment threaten the primary economic system

Unemployment reaches 33% of the working population, inflation 17%, the statistics for February 2021 reflect in all their severity the serious economic crisis that Nigerians are going through. Africa's largest economy - in terms of GDP - is facing several crises, food products are rising dangerously and extreme poverty is rising. Pandemic, agricultural crisis and oil rent decline, the picture is bleak…

The UN company says it might be vital to reduce meals rations

The UN agency says it may be necessary to cut food rations for Somalia GENEVA - The World Food Program warns that it may be forced to cut food rations in June for more than a million vulnerable Somalis because they do not have enough money to sustain the operation.This would be a severe blow to vulnerable people in Somalia who are just coming from similar cuts to their daily food…

Mopti civil society expresses its concerns

Mahamat Saleh Annadif, representative of the UN Mission in Mali (Minusma), met on Tuesday in Mopti (center) with representatives of civil society from the region. If for them there are efforts to make societies exist peacefully, their concerns are many. With our special correspondent in Mopti, Serge DanielDuring the meeting…

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