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The UN World Food Program wins the Nobel Peace Prize 2020

The World Food Program wins the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and conflict ... Weheadto South Sudan to look at the challenges facing the biggest operation. Mali's former opposition leader Soumaïla Cissé and French charity worker Sophie Pétronin are free. But there are still many questions about how the release of the hostages was secured, and we report on the Somali women taking a stand against extremists to enjoy the sport they love: basketball. .

the cattle still sent to the Grand Magal in spite of the difficulties

For the largest pilgrimage of the Mouride fraternity, which takes place this Tuesday, October 6, there is no party without the distribution of beef dishes. Every year, tens of thousands of cattle come from Senegal and neighboring countries. This year, organizers and believers had to deal with the closure of the borders linked to Covid-19 and the coup on 18 August in Mali. as reported from Dakar Touba has its Magal, its great mosque, its innumerable followers and its Bérndé. This Wolof word denotes the festivities, the…

the peoples of the far south affected by drought and food insecurity

The phenomenon is recurring in this area, and this year it promises to be even more difficult. The latest food insecurity study (April 2020) estimates that 1.6 million people in the Great South are having difficulty accessing food due to drought, including 500,000 who are facing severe food insecurity and in need of urgent help. Earlier this week, an emergency mission was deployed to Amboasary Atsimo, and a meeting was held on Wednesday, September 30, between local authorities and organizations fighting hunger following a…

Mansour Faye refuses to explain the management of emergency food aid

In Senegal, many comment on Monday 28 September following a statement by the Minister of Social Development and Social Justice. Mansour Faye, also the president's brother-in-law, was responsible for purchasing and distributing emergency food aid during the Covid-19 pandemic. Support of DKK 69 billion FCFA (more than 105 million euros). Accused of mismanagement, he says he will not respond to a possible call from Ofnac, the national anti-fraud and corruption office. as reported from Dakar, Charlotte idrac "Everything…

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