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New Research Debunks El Nino’s Role in East Africa’s Recent Devastating Floods

The scientific community stated that the increase in extreme weather events is a result of climate change, making heavy rainfall more prevalent in the region. The floods caused widespread devastation and claimed the lives of many across East Africa. According to experts, the El Nino weather pattern did not play a role in the deadly flooding that occurred in Kenya, Tanzania, and neighboring countries this year. More than 500 people lost their lives, and hundreds of thousands were displaced due to the torrential rainfall…

Safeguarding Somalia: WFP and SODMA Unveil Proactive Strategy to Combat El Niño Flooding

In Mogadishu, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) have activated an Anticipatory Action (AA) plan to prepare for expected floods caused by El Niño in Baardheere, Luuq, Jowhar, and Beletweyne. This plan, which started in April 2024, is the second time the Somalia Anticipatory Action Plan has been put into motion, with the first being in October 2023. The AA plan included sending out early warnings to around 1.9 million people via local radios, ringtones, and social media managed…

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