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Opposition Claims Somali President Undermines Constitution, Signals Threat of Dual Elections

MOGADISHU, Somalia - In the midst of Somalia's tumultuous journey towards stability, accusations have once again surfaced against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, suggesting he has taken liberties with the nation’s constitutional framework. But what does this mean for a country already grappling with political unrest? The criticism comes from a coalition of opposition parties and civil society groups, claiming the president has stretched the constitutional boundaries too thin. "Somalia is on a precipice," they warn,…

Mauritanian Houleye Ba, a dual institute

Houleye Ba finished last in the 100-meter qualifiers at the Tokyo 2021 Olympics on July 30. Mauretanian, a daily teacher, played her second Olympics after those in Rio 2016. A positive experience for the young woman, after all. From our special correspondent in Tokyo,The important thing is to participate. This maxim, which is…

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