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civil society worried about the fate of the rebels

On May 9, Army Chief of Staff Abakar Abdelkerim Daoud was greeted triumphantly in Ndjamena after weeks of confrontation with rebels from the Front for Alternation and Concord in Chad near Nokou. The rebels who were taken to prison were presented to the press. Two months later, Chad's civil society is concerned about the fate of six officials in the fact that it has no news about and the conditions for…

civil society organizations want

About fifteen of them submitted a text "ready for use" on Thursday, June 24, which could serve as a model for a team. This is a lobbying operation because 18 years after the end of the last civil war, a number of the most infamous warlords and suspected criminals have not yet been brought to justice. The text of the law was…

civil society condemns the violence from

In Côte d'Ivoire, the violence of PDCI activists against journalists, especially the RFI correspondent at a press conference by the Minister for National Reconciliation, Kouadio Konan Bertin and the party leadership, called on the organizations to respond. The activists were angry at the ex-figure of their movement since KKB…

civil society in southern kivu mobilizes the following

Civil society in southern Kivu demands an apology from Rwandan President Paul Kagame, following comments to RFI and France 24 during his visit to Paris two weeks ago. Paul Kagame considered the UN survey report to be controversial, and that other reports had concluded that there was no crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Words that shocked civil society in southern Kivu, which organized a seat in…

Sierra Leone: 20 years after the Civil War

Sierra Leone is a country best known for the civil war that raged between 1991 and 2002 and the infamous "blood diamonds". But Sierra Leone is also a country with a very rich ecosystem and many assets that are still too little known. White sandy beaches, crystal clear water, tropical forests, the country has the most beautiful coasts in West Africa. But this paradise has been forgotten by tourists for…

civil society condemns a “coup”, UNTM

Since Monday night, the president and prime minister of the transition have been held by soldiers at Kati base, a few kilometers from Bamako. On Tuesday, Colonel Assimi Goïta, Vice President of the Transition and leader of the junta who led the coup in August 2020, released them from their powers. A situation that worries several civil society organizations, as well as the largest trade union center in…

AMISOM trains police in civil protection in Somalia

AMISOM trains civil protection police in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - A contingent of Somali police officers has been trained in established guidelines that protect civilians in line with their tasks, as the AMISOM team strives to restore order and stability in the Horn of Africa. The exercise allowed at least 25 police officers, mainly from the Sierra Leone police unit and the FPU, to benefit…

Arlit civil society desires to make clear

Civil society in Arlit, a mining city in northern Niger, organized a press convention on Thursday 13 Might to recall its issues over the situations for the closure of the Akouta uranium mine, owned by Cominak (Akouta Mining Firm), a subsidiary of the French big Orano (previously Areva) ), which ceased operations on 31 March.…

civil society condemns the regime’s attempts

Civil society condemns the regime's attempts to change the constitution to consolidate the power of Prime Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, who came to power in 2017 following the accusation of former President Robert Mugabe. This week, MPs - under the control of the ruling Zanu-PF party - adopted a constitutional amendment allowing the head of state to exercise further control over the judiciary.…

civil society requires dialogue and

Several civil society organizations on Saturday, April 24, called on politicians to promote dialogue, for the authorities to respect the rule of law, with a background of concern: the insecurity that destabilizes several regions of the country and hinders civilian activities. From education, through health and politics: civil society actors express a range of complaints. Before the press on Saturday, they first launched a call to political parties to encourage them to promote dialogue following the election challenges.…

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