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build muscle

Top 10 Fat-Burning Bodyweight Workouts for Sculpting Lean Muscle

Leveling up your fitness game can easily be done without hitting the gym or investing in expensive equipment. Besides saving a buck, bodyweight workouts provide options when you're short on time or happen to be traveling. These 10 best bodyweight exercises to melt fat and build muscle are designed with all factors in mind. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, these moves are strategically programmed to deliver maximum results. From explosive plyometric lunges to challenging…

Unlocking Massive Muscle Growth with Fascia Stretch Training (FST-7): A Comprehensive Guide

If you haven't tried fascia stretch training (FST-7) before, you've been missing out on a potentially seriously beneficial method for muscle growth. FST-7 was developed by bodybuilding coach Hany Rambod, a 24-time Olympia-winning coach and seven-time Mr. Olympia, to stretch out the fascia (the connective tissue encompassing your muscles), which aids in muscle growth and definition. "In the simplest sense, FST-7 is basically a way to help someone build more muscle than their body would otherwise…

Mastering Muscle Growth: Key Strategies for Aging Strong

As you journey through life, the importance of building and preserving muscle becomes increasingly apparent. It acts as a defense against sarcopenia, the age-related decline in muscle mass, and empowers you to tackle daily activities with vigor and poise. Moreover, maintaining muscle mass supports essential bodily functions, such as metabolism and stamina, while fortifying your overall functional strength. That's why we're outlining the #1 best way to build muscle as you age. The ability to…

Optimize Your Body’s Recovery: 11 Powerful Strategies for Maximizing Muscle Growth

Did you know that rest days are just as important as the workouts themselves? It's essential to give your muscles a break, as they need sufficient time to recover and repair between sweat sessions. In addition, rest days are imperative to prevent excess joint strain and overtraining—both of which can keep you away from the gym. From properly managing stress to implementing methods like massage therapy into your routine, we spoke with personal trainers who break down the best tips to maximize…

Power Up Your Strength: Top Bench Press Routine for Building Muscle

The almighty bench press is a lift that will forever reign supreme. It's an essential component of most strength training regimens for good reason. The bench press earned its acclaim as a potent compound exercise, renowned for its ability to foster significant muscle gains in the upper body. That's why I'm breaking down my #1 best bench press workout to increase strength and muscle. Targeting key muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps, the bench press stands as a testament to…

Unlock Muscle Growth: Embrace the Power of the ‘Bro Split’ Workout

If building bigger muscles is your fitness goal, you've likely encountered the "bro split" workout. This routine involves training every major muscle group once a week so you can give each one your undivided attention and rev up the volume. "Bro splits got their name from being associated with regular gym goers who didn't approach training in a science or research-backed way," explains Domenic Angelino, CPT at Trainer Academy. "Separating workouts by muscle group and training each muscle group…

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