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Congo Turns to Indonesia for Help in Balancing Cobalt Surplus

In a strategic pivot that could shape the future of global cobalt supply, a committee of ministers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is taking decisive steps to fortify the temporary ban on cobalt exports. This move redefines the landscape of the cobalt market, which has been under scrutiny due to the rapid fluctuations in supply and demand. According to insiders, one of the most intriguing aspects of this maneuver is a potential collaboration with Indonesia, the globe's second heavyweight supplier of this…

Somalia’s Tactical Approach to Balancing Ethiopian Power in the Horn of Africa

The diplomatic climate between Somalia and Ethiopia has turned icy since early 2024. This fracas, largely driven by each nation’s jostling for power in the turbulent Horn of Africa, has created quite a stir across the political landscape. Tensions soared back in January when Ethiopia signed an eyebrow-raising agreement—famously known as a memorandum of understanding (MoU)—with North Western State of Somalia. For those out of the loop, North Western State of Somalia is a self-declared, breakaway region in northern Somalia,…

Somalia at a Turning Point—A Country Balancing Its Future and International Conflicts

Somalia at a Crossroads: Choosing Its Own Path Amidst Global Power Plays EDITORIAL | As Somalia makes strides towards emerging from the dark days of state failure, we are reminded of an age-old wisdom—not to get entangled in alliances that could bind us to the ambitions of others. The Horn of Africa, with its deep historical roots and strategic value, has become a playing field for both regional and global powers each eager to further their interests through a complex dance of diplomacy. At the center of this storm is…

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