Somalia Introduces New Developments in Government and Police Forces

MOGADISHU, Somalia – In a bid to bolster the nation’s security and administration, Somalia’s Cabinet tweaked the leadership rosters on Wednesday, designating Major General Sulub Ahmed Firin as the Deputy Minister overseeing Transport and Aviation, a pivotal department for the nation.

Notably, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud recently elevated Firin from Brigadier General to Police Commissioner barely a day before his new appointment, along with a batch of other officers.

This reshuffle signals Firin’s impending transition to his new ministry as the hunt for his police replacement kicks off. Word on the street is that his successor might hail from Northeastern State, known as Somalia’s most stable region.

Adding credibility to the speculation, the Council of Ministers ratified General Asad Osman Abdullahi as the fresh Commander of the Somali Police Force today, acting on a recommendation from the Ministry of Internal Security.

General Asad, who formerly commanded the Northeastern State Security Forces from 2007 to 2018, brings a treasure trove of experience in military affairs.

His storied background in national defense includes leadership roles in the Somali Darawish Forces and terms as State Minister for Security, positioning him as a seasoned veteran for the job, according to state sources.

In his tenure as police chief last year, Firin earned a reputation for major reforms and spearheading effective operations nationwide, contributing to a semblance of stability. Somalia, however, continues its struggle against al-Shabaab militants.

Firin’s robust policing background is anticipated to help him tackle challenges in the transport domain, especially since al-Shabaab has frequently targeted the transport and aviation sectors, oftentimes grinding operations to a halt.

His new role is aligned with Somalia’s ongoing mission to modernize its transport and aviation infrastructure, which remains crucial for national recovery and economic growth. With road conditions precarious, many opt for the safer, swifter aviation route.

Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre enjoys a harmonious rapport with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Their tenure promises to be one of the steadiest, marked by minimal disputes. The Prime Minister holds significant clout in shaping and restructuring the government.


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