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The Kingdom of Eswatini introduces a curfew,

The kingdom of Eswatini, until recently known as Swaziland, announced a curfew on Tuesday (June 29) when the army was sent out to quell protests against democracy. Clashes rallied against Democratic protesters on Monday night, June 28. In power for 35 years, King Mswati III is believed to be in South Africa, and the opposition says he fled there and promised to intensify their protests.…

Al-Shabaab introduces Arabic study program to Somali schools

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Al-Shabaab activists have stepped up their urge to change the status quo and hijack institutions in Somalia, targeting the school curriculum as one of their strategies to attract more supporters in a bid to overthrow the fragile backed Somali administration by the UN. The Arabic language has been one of the group's preferred languages ​​due to its affiliation with Al-Qaida, a Middle East-based terrorist group that, among other things, supports draconian Sharia law that both discriminates against women…

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