Somalia and Africa CDC Collaborate to Unveil Inaugural National Laboratory Strategy

Mogadishu (AX) — In a landmark move to bolster its public health framework, Somalia has rolled out its inaugural national laboratory strategic plan. This initiative aims to sharpen disease diagnostics and enhance the country’s crisis response capabilities. Crafted alongside the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the blueprint seeks to mend gaps in a health system torn apart by decades of strife.

This strategic plan, fine-tuned during sessions in Nairobi from August 5-9, 2024, charts out essential steps for revamping lab infrastructure, refining the training regimen for health workers, and securing a consistent flow of crucial medical supplies. The prime objective? Elevate Somalia’s preparedness for health emergencies, particularly those involving contagious diseases.

“Labs are the bedrock of the health sector, pivotal for diagnosing illnesses, keeping tabs on health trends, and managing outbreaks,” asserted Donewell Bangure, Principal Technical Officer at Africa CDC. “It’s absolutely vital for Somalia, grappling with numerous health hurdles due to scanty resources and frail health systems.”

The strategy also ensures that Somalia’s laboratory services align with international health standards like the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), thereby bolstering the nation’s capacity to spot and curb public health threats. This plan is a crucial piece of Africa CDC’s broader mission to fortify public health systems continent-wide.

Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi Abdulle, who heads the National Public Health Reference Laboratory in Somalia, underscored the significance of this collaboration, stating, “This laboratory strategy plan is a major step in enhancing lab services in Somalia, a critical need for the nation.”

Torn by years of conflict, Somalia’s health infrastructure is in tatters, underscoring the necessity for a national lab strategy. The plan’s development saw inputs from experts across Africa, including Tanzania, Nigeria, Zambia, and Malawi, who lent their insights and helped pinpoint potential funding avenues.

Dr. Lucy Mazyanga, Director of Africa CDC’s East Africa Regional Coordinating Centre, hailed the strategic plan’s finalization as “a milestone in Somalia’s journey towards a resilient public health system.”

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