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WHO and Somalia Join Forces to Fortify Disease Outbreak Defenses

 Mogadishu (AX) — Battling a gnarly humanitarian fiasco, Somalia's on thin ice for disease flare-ups. To tackle this, the country’s rolled out the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) system, marking a big leap in public health response.Joining forces with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and WHO's Somalia outpost, Somalia's beefed up its disease surveillance game. The IDSR system pulls real-time health stats via District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2).…

Robertson Eager to Collaborate with Slot at Liverpool

Andy Robertson was enticed to Liverpool by Jurgen Klopp's charm, yet he’s all in for a fresh chapter with Arne Slot at the helm. .css-1g698yq-iaContentTitleCSS{letter-spacing:0.33px;line-height:1.65;margin:1em 0;font-family:GTWalsheim-Md;}@media (max-width: 768px){.css-1g698yq-iaContentTitleCSS{font-size:18px;}}@media (min-width: 992px){.css-1g698yq-iaContentTitleCSS{font-size:22px;}} Andy Robertson was brought to Liverpool by Jurgen Klopp, but he is looking forward to life under new boss Arne Slot.…

Empowering Somalia: KSrelief and UK Collaborate to Aid Those Battling Severe Acute Malnutrition

In Riyadh, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah, and Andrew Mitchell signed a collaboration agreement with UNICEF to fight severe malnutrition in Somalia. KSrelief and the FCDO will each contribute $2.5 million to provide nutrition, water, and hygiene services in 15 high-risk areas for 101,000 Somali children. This $5 million partnership is part of Saudi Arabia and the UK FCDO's shared efforts to ease the hardships of the Somali people through humanitarian projects.

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