Northeastern State President Arrives in Bosaso to Lead Campaign Against Al-Shabaab and ISIS in Somalia

Somalia: Northeastern State President Leading Anti-Militant Efforts in Bosaso

BOSASO, Somalia – The President of Northeastern State, Said Abdullahi Deni, has arrived in Bosaso on a mission to assess and spearhead the fight against Al-Shabaab and IS-Somalia militants. This insurgency has become a significant worry for the international community.

Deni’s visit is timed to oversee a fresh military initiative in Bari’s rugged terrain, seeking to root out the militant presence effectively. This indicates a robust governmental commitment to security, with Deni’s direct involvement underscoring the gravity of the threat these groups pose, according to defense experts.

The Northeastern State Maritime Police Force (PMPF) and Northeastern State Security Forces have been actively contending with Al-Shabaab and IS-Somalia in the region. Past missions have shown fruitful outcomes, bolstering their efforts.

Interestingly, Al-Shabaab and IS-Somalia have clashed frequently over the years. IS-Somalia recruits have largely defected from Al-Shabaab, focusing their operations in Northern Somalia, officials report.

This visit follows statements from U.S. Africa Command’s chief, General Michael Langley, noting a troubling surge in ISIS activities. He mentioned in an interview with VOA, “Northern Somalia’s seen ISIS swelling in numbers,” reflecting a twofold growth over the year. Foreign fighters joining the cause are also on the radar.

ISIS’s northern expansion comes as Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida offshoot, uses regional diplomatic friction to its advantage, particularly tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia over Port agreements.

General Langley shed light on the future of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), which transitions to a new mission by 2025. He clarified there’s no plan for U.S. boots on the ground, stating, “Our role is advisory and supportive, not direct combat.”


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