the police will take back “control of public space”

The situation is still explosive in several other regions of Nigeria, where local governors are taking steps in scattered order to try to stifle the popular rebel movement triggered by army intervention on Tuesday evening, October 20, against a peaceful gathering of young people in Lagos. The police inspector issued a statement from his spokesman on Saturday, October 24, in which he seriously raised his voice.

as reported from Abuja, Liza Fabbian

After days of rioting and looting, Nigerian police intend to “regain control of public space” once and for all.

Its leader, Inspector General Mohammed Adamu, announced a mobilization of all police units ordered to use “all possible means to stop this slide for anarchy and brigade days”.

In several cities in Nigeria, popular uprisings have become food riots in recent days. On Saturday, thousands of people methodically looted and deboned a large shed containing food aid in the town of Jos. Similar scenes took place in several other Nigerian cities.

The population accuses the authorities of stealing this aid, which was originally intended for vulnerable families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and which would never have been distributed while food prices have exploded in recent months.

In the megalopolis of Lagos, where we are gradually seeing a return to normalcy despite extensive damage, authorities announced that they had arrested 229 suspected thugs.


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