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Muhammadu Buhari

The famous Commissioner Abba Kyari involved

An investigation has been launched against one of the Nigerian police chiefs, the famous Deputy Police Commissioner Abba Kyari, involved by a Nigerian social media star called Hushpuppi. This influencer is currently being tried in the United States for fraud over nearly $ 20 million. Hushpuppi pleaded guilty to money laundering. Hushpuppi claimed that he paid bribes to police commissioner Abba Kyari, known for his high-profile investigations, for arresting one of his former employees. The Nigerian police launched an…

a battle plan shot down by “bandits” does

For the first time since the phenomenon appeared in 2011, "heavily armed" bandits shot down a Nigerian fighter jet on Sunday (July 18). The incident took place in western Nigeria, a new hearth for insecurity in the region. "This incident shows that conflict, banditry and terrorism have taken on a new dimension," said former Senator Shehu Sani, after the bandits, as…

Nigeria faces the separatist challenge

By targeting the two leaders who advocate a separatist state in southern Nigeria, Nnamdi Kanu and Sunday Igboho, the authorities wanted to regain control of the region. The two men are accused of disturbing separating tendencies. But the security measure, which is considered "excessive", risks having the opposite effect.…

the separatists “thrive in a sense

In recent months, the southern part of West Africa's most populous country has seen a resurgence of self-determination groups. This is the case with the Igbo groups in the southeast and Yoruba in the southwest. Olufemi Vaughan, a professor at Amherst College in the United States, discusses these privacy tendencies, which continued despite the arrest in late June of Biafra leader Nnamdi Kanu and a police…

under pressure, Muhammadu Buhari on an express visit

In Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari visited the large city of Maiduguri on Thursday, June 17, in northeastern Nigeria, one and a half years after his last visit, in February 2020. An expressive but very symbolic excursion, as the security situation is deteriorating day by day across Nigeria. as reported from Lagos, Liza…

several events scattered at the time

Despite warnings from the authorities, several meetings are being held in several cities in Nigeria, on the occasion of "Democracy Day". In Lagos, Abuja or Benin City, protesters had come to protest against growing insecurity, poor governance and the shutdown of Twitter for more than a week in the country. A popular dissatisfaction that President Muhammadu Buhari did not mention in his traditional…

Nigerian media stand up to demand

In Nigeria, while authorities suspended access to Twitter on Friday, June 4, the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) is asking the media to shut down their social networking accounts. They reacted. "All audiovisual media will be considered antipatriotic if it continues to use Twitter, which is shut down," the NBC statement…

Twitter is still shut down in Nigeria

The suspension follows a government decision announced on Friday evening, June 4. The platform has been in the eyes of the authorities for several months, especially due to its mobilizing role during the demonstrations against police violence in October last year. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianDespite the restrictions,…

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