RW Magacaaban oo maanta codka kalsoonida weydiisanaya golaha Shacabka BFS.

Golaha Shacabka ayaa maanta fadhi ku leh xaruntooda sida KMG ah uu ugu shaqeeyo aqalka hoose ee Villa Hargeysa, waxaana Ajendaha uu yahay hadal jeedinta Madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo cod kalsooni siinta Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Magacaaban ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble. Xildhibaannada ayaa loo diray fariinta ballaminta kulanka, waxaana lagu wargeliyay in maanta waqti hore kulanka oo ah 9-ka Subaxnimo in ay tagaan xarunta si waqti hore ay u dhageystaan khudbadda Madaxweynaha, Codsiinta…

The no-nonsense chief who dominated the best period in Premier League historical past

"I have no idea, Roy Keane? Certainly one of the best Premier League gamers of the Nineties?"Should you don't assume he's elite, "You discuss Nonsense. " Roy Keane appears robust Alex Livesey / Getty PhotographsFor these of you on the market who had been too younger to witness the Manchester United captain who made grown males giggle out of worry on the soccer pitch, at the start: unhealthy luck. Second, his profession as a connoisseur tells you what type of participant he was.Aggressive, belligerent, tunnel imaginative…

The army kills several Al-Shabaab militants in central Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army on Monday killed at least 16 al-Shabaab militants in central Somalia, officials said in the latest crackdown on the al-Qaeda-linked group, which has been pushing to overthrow the fragile UN-backed Somalia government that has existed in a a couple of years. Eyewitnesses said the army killed the militants in the Bula'le area of ​​Galgadud, within the state of Galmadug, which has been fighting to curb the rising uprising despite improved security. SNA troops have been conducting…

Falastiin oo diiday shir gudoonka Jaamacadda Carabta ka dib heshiiskii Israel ee Imaaraadka& Baxrayn!

Wasiirka arimaha dibada Falastiin ayaa sheegay Talaadada maanta in Falastiin ay joojisay gudoomiyanimadii ay hada uhaysay shirarka jaamacada carabta, waxaayna cambaaraysay sharaf dhac kasta oo ku yimaado dowladaha carbeed oo ah in ay  xiriir rasmi ah la yeeshaan Maamulka Israel. Falastiiniyiintu waxa ay u arkaan heshiisyadii ay Isutagga Imaaraatka Carabta iyo Baxrayn ay Israa’iil kula saxiixdeen magaalada Washington toddobaad ka hor ay tahay  khiyaamo dhabar jab ku ah…

Taliyaha qaybta 21 aad ee C.X.D:- Waxa aan dilnay 18-dagaalame oo ka tirsan Al Shabaab.

Askari ka tirsan ciidanka Xoogga dalka oo ku dhagan qoriga laga rido gawaarida dushooda. X/Q Secter 21, SNA. Taliyaha Qaybta 21-aad ee ciidanka Xoogga dalka General Cabdicasiis Cabdullaahi Qooje oo warbaahinta kula hadlay deegaanka Bulacle oo ay shalay ku dagaalameen Ciidanka Dowladda iyo Al Shabaab ayaa ka warbixiyay Khasaaraha dagaalka. Generaal Qooje ayaa sheegay in ay dileen 18-dagaalame oo ka tirsan Al Shabaab, isla markaana hub ku furteen dagaalkii shalay ka dhacay…

Maxay kawada hadleen Khayre iyo Qoor Qoor?

Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya ahna Musharax Madaxweyne Xasan Cali Kheyre iyo Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye Qoor qoor ayaa kulan gaar ah yeeshay hoyga Ra’iisul wasaarihii hore. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Qoorqoor ayaa hoygiisa ku booqday Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore Xasan Cali Kheyre, iyagoo ka wada hadlayay arrimaha siyaasadda iyo tuhuno labada dhinac ku kala jiray ee la xiriiray riditaankii Kheyre oo warar soo baxayay sheegayeen inuu wax ka ogaa Qoorqoor.…

AU Force Commander visits combat troops in Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The new African Union Head of Mission, Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya, visited Soldiers serving in Sector V of AMISOM in Jowhar, HirShabelle State, as part of his ongoing proclamation around the country over a month after taking power. Soldiers from the Burundi National Defense Forces serve in sector V of AMISOM, headquartered in Jowhar, the regional administrative capital of HirShabelle. The city is located at least 90 KM north of Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Lieutenant Ndegeya, who recently…

Booliiska Waqooyiga Macedonia oo xiray Tahriibayaal Soomaali ku jirto!

Booliiska qaabilsan la socodka dhaq-dhaqaaqa Waqooyiga Macedonia ayaa sheegay in ay xireen 61-Muhaajiriin ah iyo 5-ruux oo loo badinayo in ay yihiin Muqalisiinta dadka tahriibisa in ay gacanta ku dhigeen. Howlgalka baarista ah ayaa dhacay kadib markii xog lagu kalsoon yahay gaartay, ciidamada sida gaarka ah u qaabilsan howshaan ay ku dhaqaaqeen, maadaama lagu armay in ay fuliyaan howlgalka lagu qabtay. Saddex dal ayay u badan yihiin dhalashada dadkaan la qabtay waana…

Al-Shabaab suffers losses in battle with Kenyan forces

NAIROBI, Kenya - A contingent of Kenya Defense Forces on Monday, at least five al-Shabaab militants in the unstable county of Mandera were killed, reports show, in a deadly clash that comes months after the group reduced attacks on Kenyan soil, perhaps due to the raging Coronavirus pandemic across the globe. Sources familiar with the incident said al-Shabaab militants crossing over from Somalia were detaining a KDF convoy in the county, leading to a fierce gun battle. Eyewitnesses said the fight lasted for a few hours…

Somalia claims that the army is gaining the upper hand in war against Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army has announced victory over Al-Shabaab militants in the unstable Lower Shabelle region, a top official said Monday after a series of operations targeting the Al-Qaeda-linked group that has been wreaking havoc on East Africa for the past 14 years. Since January, the SNA, African Union Mission troops and the US Africa Command have carried out sophisticated operations against militants across Somalia, and the result certainly seems convincing, according to reports from the Somali…

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