a new food aid center looted in Abuja

After peaceful protests against police and violence that degenerated into riots and vandalism last week after a bloody breakdown, we are now witnessing numerous looting of food aid reserves, principally intended for families of vulnerable people affected by the coronavirus crisis. never distributed by the authorities. as…

Somalia convicts 11 of lethal assaults on Al-Shabaab jail

MOGADISHU, Somalia - A army courtroom in Somalia over the weekend sentenced 11 individuals for connections to a jail cease that noticed a number of inmates and jail guards killed within the nation's most well-known crime facility along with creating uncertainty in regards to the security of such amenities within the nation. Within the incident on August 12, at the very least 16 individuals have been killed after an unprecedented break through which notorious Al-Shabaab prisoners ambushed guards resulting in a number…

Muddo xileedka Sharciga ee DG Hir-Shabeelle oo 17-cishe la

Muddo xileedka 4-ta sano ah ee DG Hir-Shabeelle ayaa ku idlaaday 9-kii bishaan, waxaana qorshuhu ahaa in la diyaariyo Baarlamaanka labaad si uu u doorto guddoonka cusub oo sii wada howsha. Magaalada jowhar kama muuqda dhaq-dhaqaaq siyaasadeed oo xitaa lagu soo diyaarinayo Xildhibaannada labaad ee Beelaha, Odoyaasha Beelaha uma intooda badan waa ay ka maqan yihiin Magaalada oo xitaa hogaamiyayaasha qaarkood ayaa afka ka qabsaday ka hadalka howsha socota. Guddoomiyaha…

only 40% of voters withdrew their cards

Ivory Coast is voting this Saturday, October 31, for the first round of the presidential election. Nearly 7.5 million Ivorian citizens are urged to have their vote put on the ballot. They had until last Sunday to withdraw their voting cards. But less than half of the registered voters turned out to collect it. A weak mobilization that could be explained by the call for civil disobedience and an active…

Félix Tshisekedi on a working visit to Brazzaville

The President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Félix Tshisekedi crossed the Congo River on Monday 26 October to Brazzaville, where he will attend the 80th anniversary of the Brazzaville Manifesto, De Gaulle's call for resistance against Nazi Germany during World War II. He will use this stay to discuss bilateral issues and internal politics with his counterpart Denis Sassou Nguesso.…

the tripartite diplomatic mission met Cellou Dallein Diallo

A joint UN-AU-ECOWAS mission has been in Conakry since Sunday to try to find a solution to the crisis. After meeting on Monday, October 26, officials from Ceni, the government and the diplomatic corps, she went home to her opponent Cellou Dalein Diallo. Meanwhile, there is still an uncertain calm in the capital Conakry. The violence after the election now amounts to 21 deaths according to the…

The alleged Rwandan genocide Félicien Kabuga imprisoned in The Hague

Arrested in mid-May after 26 years on the run, the Rwandan businessman faces seven counts of genocide and crimes against humanity. In late September, the Court of Cassation validated the arrest warrant issued against him and ordered his transfer to the mechanism, a UN body responsible for the latest cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which closed its doors in 2014. The…

After the sinking of a pirogue off Senegal, a survivor testified

In Senegal, indignation continues after the explosion of the engine of a pirogue of secret migrants. A minimum of twenty passengers would have died in a ship carrying greater than 200 folks. A complete of 51 folks had been rescued and transported to the naval base, in keeping with the Senegalese military. Traffickers have been arrested. From Saint-Louis, the place they're from, survivors and family…

President Biya criticized for his late reaction

The Cameroonian president finally expressed his condolences via Twitter to the victims of the massacre on Saturday, October 24, which took place at a school in Kumba, in the English-speaking southwest, in which seven students aged 9 to 12 were killed. as reported from Yaoundé,Polycarp EssombaHis silence was more than shrunk. It…

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