LABADA Shaxood Ee Frank Lampard U Safi Karo Chelsea Kulanka

Chelsea ayaa garoonkeeda Stamford Bridge waxay habeen dambe oo Arbaca ah ku martigelin doontaa kooxda reer France ee Rennes oo ay ku ballansan yihiin kulankooda Champions League.Blues ayaa kulamadii ugu dambeeyey waxay ku ciyaartay saddex shaxood oo kala duwan oo hadba uu qaar usoo safay tababare Frank Lampard. Shaxda hore ayaa ahayd 4-3-3, shaxda labaadna waxay ahayd mid xagga weerarka u jan-jeeddha, dhexdana aan la illoobayn oo ahayd 4-2-3-1, halka tan ugu dambaysana difaaca uu yareeyey oo uu dhexda iyo weerarka awoodda…

Manchester United Oo Shaacisay Liiska 24ka Xiddig Ee Kulanka

Manchester United ayaa 24 ciyaartoy ula safartay waddanka Turkiga oo ay kulankooda saddexaad ee Champions League ee xili ciyaareedkan ku waajahayaan Istanbul Basaksehir.United ayaa waxa ka maqan ALex Telles oo laga helay xanuunka Korona Fayras, isla markaana ku jira karantiil, balse waxa kooxda qayb ka ah weeraryahanka reer France ee Anthony Martial oo saddexdii ciyaarood ee ugu dambeeyey ee  horyaalka Premier League ku maqnaa ganaax.Saxeexa cusub ee Facundo Pellistri ayaan safarka qayb ka ahayn, waxaanu joogi doonaa…

Kulanka Barcelona iyo Dynamo Kiev Oo Go’aan Laga Gaartey –

Kulanka Champions League ee Barcelona ay Arbacada ku martigelin doonto kooxda reer Ukraine ee Dynamo Kiev ayaa shaki weyn ku jiray inuu qabsoomi doono, kaddib markii ku dhowaad toban ciyaartoy ay Dynamo shaacisay inuu kaga dhacay xanuunka Korona Fayras.Kooxda reer Ukraine ayaa soo magacowday kaliya 13 ciyaartoy oo heerka koowaad ah oo Camp Nou u imanaya ciyaarta saddexaad ee Group-kooda ee tartanka Champions League ee xili ciyaareedkan, waxaana mar kale lagu sameeyey baadhitaano cusub oo lagu hubinayo haddii ay iyaguna…

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Iyo Harry Maguire Oo U Jawaabay Roy

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer iyo Harry Maguire ayaa meesha ka saaraya eedeyntii uu Roy Keane u soo jeediyay isbuucaan isagoo sheegay in Man United ay ka maqan yihiin hogaamiyayaal.Kabtankii hore ee Man United ayaa si xun u dhaleeceeyay ciyaartoyda Red Devils ka dib guuldaradii 1-0 ee ka soo gaartay Arsenal kulankii Old Trafford.Laakiin Solskjaer ayaa sheegay inuu United ku heysto ciyaartoy xoogan, wuxuuna ku taageeray kooxdiisa inay jawaab fiican ka bixin doonto guuldaradii Arsenal.“Roy mar walba waxa uu ahaa mid hadal badan” ayuu…

Denmark, Eire and Poland ship ambassadors to Somalia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, has acquired identification data from the brand new ambassadors in Denmark, Eire and Poland to Somalia. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark, Mr Ole Thonke, who conveyed a greeting from his Excellency Queen Margrethe Alexandrine to the President, underlined his efforts to strengthen relations between the 2 international locations and thanked the Authorities and the folks of Somalia for his or her heat welcome.…

40 Drinks You Ought to By no means Drink After 40

It could be probably the most immediately gratifying pleasure identified to humankind: That first chilly, refreshing sip of your favourite beverage on a sizzling day. And when the climate turns chilly? A beverage continues to be the quickest option to heat up the nippiness and switch your temper round. However as you become older, there are some drinks that when you are over the age of 40, it is best to keep away from. See, whereas a drink often is the quickest option to quench your thirst or consolation a chill, it is also…

Tababaraha Waalan Ee Inter Milan Ee Maamula Cuntada

Antonio Conte ayaa garoonka Estadio Alfredo Di Stefano imaanaya caawa iyadoo Inter Milan ay wajaheyso Real Madrid tartanka Champions League. Tababaraha Talyaaniga ayaa ah shaqsi caan ka ah Yurub oo lagu yaqaano dabeecadiisa waalida ah iyo dishibiliinka adag ee uu ku soo rogo ciyaartoydiisa.Wuxuu ku dhashay magaalada Lecce sannadkii 1969kii, Conte ayaa ka soo gudbay waqtiyo adag isagoo noqday shaqsi ku dhegan dhaqankiisa, wuxuuna taasi u soo gudbiyay qaabkiisa tababarenimo.Koox walba oo tababare ka dhigaya Conte waa qasab…

Miiska Kala Sareynta Premier League Ee Tan Iyo Markii

Manchester United ayaa guuldarro 1-0 ka soo gaartay Arsenal Axadii iyadoo ay aheyd kulankii 100aad ee Solskjaer uu hogaamiyo kooxda Shayaadiinta Cas Cas.Miiska kala sareynta Premier League ee tan iyo markii tababaraha reer Norway loo dhiibay shaqada Manchester United ayaa niyad xumo ku abuuraya taageerayaasha United.Halyeeyga Old Trafford Roy Keane ayaa durbaba sheegay in ciyaartoyda haatan ee Man United ee sabab u noqon doonaan in la ceyriyo saaxiibkiisii hore ee ay isku kooxda ahaayeen.Solskjaer ayaa shaqada United loo…

17 Fall & Winter Meals That Are Tremendous Good for You

When the cooler months roll round, we lose greater than only a few hours of daylight—all of the recent fruit and veggies of summer time disappear, too. When you're mourning the lack of your favourite summer time superfoods, we really feel your ache (we'll miss you, blueberries and tomatoes). However we do have some excellent news: the chilly season can be stuffed with winter superfoods. All winter superfoods pack a critical dietary punch and are simply ready to be labored into your favourite cold-weather recipes. And for…

After President Farmaajo’s Reign, who will be Qatar’s

The quest by some of the Gulf nations for possessing an influence in the national elections in Somalia is no longer a secret business. Authorities of the United Arab Emirates made invitations to several heavyweight Somali presidential aspirants in Abu Dhabi in the recent past. Meanwhile, Doha, whose support towards the incumbent president is unconcealed, is hellbent on financing alternative presidential candidates in the event the outgoing leader loses the race. Somalia’s long-standing political culture is known to…

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