One Major Side Effect of Drinking Juice Every Day,

Drinking a glass of orange juice every day at breakfast or some cranberry juice with lunch may seem like a harmless—or even healthy—habit. After all, it's just fruit, right? But whether you know it or not, there's a big difference between eating half a grapefruit and drinking it in liquid form: the former has fiber. Experts say the fiber found in whole fruits plays a major role in minimizing how the natural sugars they contain impact your body. So, if there's one major side effect of drinking juice that you should know…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Sugar, Says

Whether you haven’t been able to give up your soda habit or you make dessert a part of your daily meal plan, it likely comes as no surprise that refined sugar isn’t exactly a healthy addition to your diet. In addition to causing spikes in blood glucose, which can lead to hunger and cravings, sugar is widely known to be linked to obesity and tooth decay. In fact, diets that are high in sugar are frequently lacking in other essential nutrients as highly palatable sugary foods crowd out healthier fare in a person’s diet.…

political and spiritual leaders develop into concerned

Officials and religious leaders are mobilizing to encourage the population to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The most populous country in Africa received nearly 4 million doses of this vaccine as part of the Covax unit in early March. Many vaccination centers have opened their doors in major cities across the country for people over the age of 70 and particularly vulnerable occupations. Despite a few disagreements, Nigerian politicians continue to promote vaccination against Covid-19, and religious authorities have an…

Ethiopia says it should lead the 2nd section of

March 22 is World Water Day. Some experts predicted that the wars of the future would be wars over water. In the Horn of Africa, we are not yet talking about armed conflict, but the tone continues to rise between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. The waters of the Nile are at stake, which is at the center of an intense diplomatic struggle as Ethiopia completes the construction of its renaissance dam, the largest of its future in Africa. And she is determined not to be intimidated by Sudan and Egypt. Ethiopia will complete the…

the survivors attempt to construct a everyday life

Ocean Viking, the boat from the SOS Mediterranean organization, is conducting a new rescue campaign in the central Mediterranean. At sea, the ship rescued 796 people from Libya to Europe in January and February. RFI embarks on this mission. Every day we receive the logbook from our special correspondent. "Please play a game with me," Amias asks me. The 9-year-old boy points to two painted boards on the floor. Wooden puck acts as pawns. Amias has been aboard the Ocean Viking for three days: he has already had the…

Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya oo

Sida uu shaaciyey Ergeyga Midowga Afirka u qaablisan Soomaaliya Ambassador Francisco Madeira howlgalka midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya ayaa dammaanad-qaaday Nabadgelyada Shirka wadaxaajoodka doorashooyinka Soomaaliya oo ay xerada Afisyooni ku yeelanayaan hoggaamiyeyaasha Soomaaliya, Xukuumadda xilligeedu dhammaaday & madaxda Dowlad-goboleedyada ayaa kulankan kaqaybgelaya. Sida lagu sheegay Qoraal kooban oo soosaaray Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya AMISOM Francisco Madeira ayaa Axaddii la kulmay madaxweyneyaashii…

Maxaa Ku Dhaafay Maanta Oo Ka Dhacay Horyaalka

Horyaalka Serie A ayaa xiiso gaar ah yeeshay iyadoo ay ceel ka dhacday rajadii ay Juventus ka laheyd inay ku guueysato horyaalkii 10aad ee isku xigta ka dib markii ay maanta guuldarro 1-0 ka soo gaartay kooxda Benevento ee ku jirta kaalinta 16aad ee kala sareynta horyaalka. Tababare Andrea Pirlo iyo Cristiano Ronaldo ayaa maanta niyadjab lagu diray ka dib gool uu daqiiqadii 69aad u dhaliyay kooxda kaalinta hoose ciyaaryahan Adolfo Gaich. Juventus waxay ku jirtaa kaalinta seddexaad iyagoo leh 55 dhibcood waxay 10…

cultural life resumes its course in Dakar

It is again authorized to make music, songs and dances in the liquor companies under a decree of the Governor of Dakar from 20 March. Activities that had been suspended for several months to combat the spread of coronavirus. The state of health disaster in Dakar and Thiès had already ended on Friday 19 March at midnight, with the majority of Covid-19 cases concentrated. Senegal has passed the 1,000-related death mark and 37,833 positive cases of the coronavirus pandemic. The tables at this Corniche des Almadies…

Barcelona Oo Xasuuq Nus Darsan Goolal Ah Geysatay,

Barcelona ayaa ku soo laabatay kaalinta labaad ee horyaalka La Liga ka dib markii ay 6-1 ku xasuuqeen kooxda Real Sociedad oo marti loo ahaa iyadoo Lionel Messi iyo Sergino Dest ay dhaliyeen min labo gool. Barca ayaa u muuqata inay jaanta isla heshay iyagoo haatan afar dhibcood ka danbeeya kooxda hogaanka heysa ee La Liga halka ay labo dhibcood ka sareeyaan kooxda kaalinta seddexaad ee Real Madrid Kulankaan Barcelona ayaa jabiyay rikoodhkii Xavi Hernandez isagoo noqday xiddiga ugu safashada badan taariikhda Barcelona,…

the civilian authorities is making an attempt to regain management

The civilian authorities is making an attempt to regain management. Sudan is in the process of reforming its defense industry. At the very least, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, who has announced that the government will take back control of a group of companies owned by the army, hopes so. The Société de l'Industrie Militaire, one of the largest companies in the defense sector, will be separated into two units, a military and a civilian, where the Ministry of Economy and Finance will regain control through a private…

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