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Healthy Eating

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The Worst Drinks on the Planet

Soda has been named public enemy No. 1 when it comes to an easy change you can immediately make in hopes to lose weight and shed belly fat. So it's only logical to assume if we all stay away from Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Dr Pepper, the pounds will melt away. However, there's one big problem: Very few people are swapping soda for plain ol' H2O. Instead, they're looking to other beverages like juices and flavored waters to fill the void. And while many of these soda alternatives market themselves as the "healthier choice,"…

10 Weight Loss Breakfasts That Actually Satisfy, Say Dietitians

How many times have you sat down at the table for a quick, small breakfast, only to find yourself feeling hungry an hour or so after? That may be because your small breakfast didn't actually include all of the elements you need in order to feel full for hours at a time. While it is important to watch portion sizes when it comes to losing weight, it's also important to eat the proper nutrients you need in order to feel full and feed your muscles, which keeps your metabolism strong. That's why we asked a few dietitians to give…

Surprising Side Effects of Using Olive Oil, Says Science

Whether you use it in your homemade vinaigrettes or drizzle it on your favorite pasta dishes, olive oil is a staple in many kitchens. It's not just olive oil's rich flavor that has made it so popular, however—olive oil also has a long list of benefits for your wellbeing, from head to toe. If you want to get healthier without sacrificing healthy fat in your diet, read on to discover the surprising side effects of using olive oil in your cooking, according to science. And for more easy ways to improve your diet, check out The…

Unhealthiest Proteins for Weight Loss, According to Experts

The word "protein" on food packages attracts people like live bait rings the dinner bell to largemouth bass. We hunt down protein because we know it builds muscle at the same time it helps us lose weight. Protein is a key macronutrient for all sorts of important processes in our bodies. For example, protein… preserves our muscle mass as we age, keeps us from losing muscle at the same time we're losing weight, satisfies hunger longer than the other macronutrients, is more difficult for the body to turn into fat, requires the…

The Worst Snack Foods for Your Heart, According to Science

If you've been trying to make your heart health more of a priority, you likely already know the tough truth: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it accounts for about 1 in 4 deaths in America. Clearly, it's important to make sure that every food you eat throughout the day is helping your heart, not harming it. There are some obvious suspects you know to avoid (hello, deep-fried restaurant meals!), but some heart-harming foods aren't as…

One Major Side Effect of Eating Cucumbers, Says Science

Cucumbers may be one of the most underrated fruits—yes, you read that correctly. Because cucumbers grow from flowers and contain seeds, cucumbers are technically—and botanically—a fruit, not a vegetable. Cucumbers are often touted as a beauty superfood because of their high water volume (they are 95% water!) and superior ability to hydrate. Plus, along with eating cucumbers, this fruit contains vitamin K and anti-inflammatory plant compounds that can help de-puff eyes and treat dark circles when sliced and applied topically.…

What Happens To Your Heart When You Drink Coffee

This may be music to your sleep-deprived ears: new research convincingly shows that, for most people, enjoying coffee on a regular basis may actually be good for your heart. This is one of the reasons why the Dietary Guidelines for Americans say that three to five 8-ounce cups a day of plain, black coffee can be part of a healthy diet. (Related: 8 Awesome Benefits of Drinking Coffee, According to Dietitians.) What we crave in our morning cup of joe is the caffeine it provides. Caffeine is the most commonly consumed natural…

One Major Effect of Eating Kale, Says Science

The truth is, there are over a dozen reasons why you should eat more kale. If you don't like the taste, it can be really hard to get down. This is especially the case for supertasters, aka those who taste certain flavors and foods more strongly than others. Supertasters have more taste buds and receptors and therefore, have increased sensitivity to bitter flavors such as kale, coffee, and dark chocolate. However, if you chop up kale and put it in a smoothie with frozen dark cherries, blueberries, slices of banana, a scoop or…

Ways Intuitive Eating Can Help You Lose Weight, Say Dietitians

To say that Intuitive Eating is a way to lose weight is a bit of an oxymoron. This eating practice originally comes from the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole, and it encourages each person to focus less on dieting and focus more on their body's hunger and fullness signals. It requires complete honesty of your body's needs around when you're actually hungry to eat and when you are not. The program was written to be a solution in helping chronic dieters free themselves…

The Best Summer Food in Every State

While your summer might not be filled with vacations far and wide just yet, you can still take advantage of all the delicious foods summer has to offer. Whether you're firing up the grill in your backyard or grabbing takeout from your favorite local restaurant, you can take advantage of all of the burgers, hot dogs, and fresh produce that accompany the summer season. From New York's famous hot dogs to California's creamy avocados, here's the best summer food in every state. Find out if you'll be doing your state proud this…

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