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Healthy Eating
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The Foods to Kick Out of Your Freezer Right Now
The freezer is truly a kitchen necessity. So many foods make their way to this beloved appliance, as it can store premade meals until the time comes that you want to eat them.
And that makes the freezer super valuable! Plus, there are plenty of already frozen foods that are staples in most kitchens—morning smoothies would be lost without all those frozen fruits.
But like anything else, some foods are better for you than others, and there are others that simply should not be in your freezer.
To help you be sure…
Surprising Side Effects Stress Has On Your
Stress. Even just the word is, well, stress-inducing with that one-syllable utterance that hits your throat like a project deadline.
While many of us are aware of the common side effects of stress, what we may not be aware of is how exactly stress influences our weight. As it turns out, stress can often lead to weight gain and create a variety of other pesky results on your body.
We asked dietitian nutritionists to weigh in on five ways stress can impact your waistline. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy,…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Turmeric, Says
The turmeric latte, also known as golden milk, has been on trend for the past couple of years for its health benefits. Not only can the beverage help to reduce inflammation in the body, but it may also help to improve brain function and delay the onset of cognitive impairment.
Turmeric is an integral spice in Ayurvedic medicine, a healing system that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago that's touted for its ability to promote good health by creating a balance of body, mind, and spirit. There is one component in…
Always 100% One Major Side Effect of Drinking a Glass of Wine,
We're betting you've heard that drinking wine is good for your heart health…and you've used that factoid as an excuse to splurge on your favorite cabernet with dinner at least once before. But that's the worst reason to drink wine.
Not to burst your bubble, but the jury is still out on whether wine actually has any heart-boosting properties. Sure, it has antioxidants that might lower your LDL cholesterol and your cardiovascular inflammation. But that only applies to red wine, not white, and even then some studies say wine…
Unseen What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Baked Oats
Baked oats are having a moment. Maybe you've been making them for years, or maybe you're a bandwagon fan in the wake of the viral TikTok rendition—aren't we all? Either way, the breakfast-food-turned-so-much-more is taking over kitchens across America. Mashed, cooked, and often combined with creative toppings, the dish makes for a tasty and relatively healthy treat.
Whether you like to bake a huge tray of oats to enjoy throughout the week, or you're making single-serving baked oats for your breakfast in the morning, we…
Unknowingly We Just Discovered the Best Hack for Digestion
Constipation. Gas. Diarrhea. Heartburn and indigestion. These GI-tract issues are among the most common conditions among all Americans. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, some 60-70 million of us suffer from one or more GI tract condition or disorder, making gastrointestinal issues some of the most common medical issues.
While frequent and long-term GI symptoms can be signs of a more serious health issue like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis, the vast…
Is Here The One Thing You Should Be Eating for More
These days, fatigue is so common it has spawned a subset of conditions: chronic fatigue, crisis fatigue, vital exhaustion, and even Zoom fatigue, to name just a few. Whether the tiredness is a post-COVID symptom or just depletion from the day-to-day rigors of life, most of us could use a sustainable energy boost.
In his new book, The Energy Paradox, Steven R. Gundry, M.D., a cardiothoracic surgeon and New York Times bestselling author, explains that the root cause of your personal energy crisis likely has to do with how…
The One Type of Bread That’s Wrecking Your Body,
Taking a trip to the bread aisle at the grocery store can be anxiety-inducing. With so many options to choose from, how is one to know what the best bread is to buy? Better yet, what bread would be better for your body to feel healthy and energized? While it may seem counterintuitive (especially in a time where low-carb diets are trending pretty heavily) eating bread can actually do a lot for your body's overall health! It's all about choosing the right kinds, which is especially prevalent in a recent study published by the…
What Eating Avocado Toast Does To Your Body,
This popular meal or snack can be made at home or ordered at a restaurant. Your basic avocado toast is made with crusty or toasted bread topped with the buttery flavor of mashed, ripe avocado and sprinkled with salt and pepper.
There are many variations to this beloved breakfast—I love mine drizzled with a balsamic glaze, my daughter prefers hers topped with sliced strawberries, and my son insists on his topped with an over-easy egg. No matter what your preference—the basic stays the same: bread, avocado, and salt.
12 People Who Should Never Drink Coffee, According
Coffee can definitely be defined as a health elixir. It's been found to reduce prostate cancer risk, reduce heart failure risk and even lower your risk of hearing loss. And drinking a dark roast may even help you lose weight.
But for certain people, coffee may actually have more negative side effects than positive. We asked nutritionists about the people that should skip drinking coffee for better health, and here's what they said. Read on, and for more on healthy eating, don't miss What Happens To Your Body When You…