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Healthy Eating
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This One Eating Trick Can Lower Your Diabetes Risk, Says New
Trying to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D)? Then odds are you're already finding ways to stay active throughout the week in addition to watching the foods you eat to keep your blood sugar under control. However, new research has identified a way to lower your blood sugar levels and your insulin resistance without a trip to the gym or the health food aisle.
A new study, which was shared virtually at the Endocrine Society's yearly meeting, ENDO 2021, revealed that eating before 8:30 am can significantly lower your…
This #1 Ingredient May Be Doubling Your Fat Production, Says New
You might be reading food labels for info like calories, carbs, fat, and sodium already, but according to a recent study in the Journal of Hepatology, you may want to look at how many added sugars are in there, too.
Researchers in Switzerland recruited 94 healthy young men and had half consume a sweetened drink every day for seven weeks. The drinks contained either fructose, glucose, or sucrose—all common sweeteners that are added to a range of products, from cookies to salad dressing. The other half of the participants…
The Most Common Reason You’re Always Bloated, Say Dietitians
Bloating, often caused by excess gas, constipation, and diet issues, can not only cause you to feel self-conscious about your appearance, but it can also be physically uncomfortable.
Thankfully, it's not impossible to banish bloat and feel more comfortable in your favorite pair of pants. The first step to get rid of bloating? Identify the root cause.
As mentioned, there are many reasons why you may be experiencing bloating, from overeating to water retention, but dietitians tell us that that one of the most common…
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Lentils Quickly
In African, Indian, and many European cultures, legumes are a staple in many meals. Lentils are one of the most powerful legumes, and is considered one of the most domesticated crops with evidence of human consumption dating back to 13,000 BC, says chef and certified nutritionist Serena Poon.
They're jam-packed with nutrients and essential needs for our body to perform at its highest capacity, and they offer plenty of flavor variety for different palettes. From brown and green to red and yellow (and even beluga), you can…
Revealing The #1 Worst Candies You Should Never Eat
Oh, candy. It's truly a sweet treat that brings on all the nostalgia, reminding you of the days when you would fill with excitement at finding a piece in your lunchbox.
And while having a piece of candy here or there once in a while is harmless for the most part, there are just some candies you shouldn't even bother ever having in your snack drawer.
One piece can quickly turn into many pieces and you don't need these little diet-derailers around.
But which candies are truly the worst of the worst? Well, we rounded…
#1 Major Side Effect of Eating Popcorn, Says Science Research
From the type served in movie theater buckets to the kind you make at home, there's no denying that popcorn is one of America's most popular snacks.
However, even if you consider yourself a regular kernel connoisseur, there's plenty about this beloved food you likely don't know—particularly when it comes to your health.
If you're a fan of this poppable snack, there's a surprising popcorn side effect you may not be aware of: eating popcorn may help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
"Popcorn is a whole…
What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Instant Oats
Instant oats are a staple in many people's breakfast routines, and it's not hard to see why: they're inexpensive, take seconds to prepare, and it's easy to make them taste like a gourmet meal with healthy additions like spices, fruits, and nuts.
However, it's not just how tasty instant oats can be that make them a great addition to your day—their health benefits are nothing to sneeze at, either. And although you'll often hear that less processed versions of oats, like steel-cut or rolled, are better for you than the…
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Ginger
If you're a fan of food from China, Thailand, and other Asia areas, you're likely familiar with the distinct taste of ginger. As the main ingredient in soups, stews, meat marinades, and side dishes, this tiny yellow flowering plant has long been used to improve dishes' health component. And, for hundreds of years, it's been used as a healing agent in folk medicine. Here, we explore what actually happens to your body when you eat ginger or even drink it in tea! And for even more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of…
One Major Danger of Drinking Coffee You Didn’t Know, According to
No one could ever doubt that having a few cups of coffee a day keeps us energized and moving forward. However, while your morning cup of joe can have a ton of positive effects on your health, certain problems do present themself when we overindulge at the wrong time, particularly this one danger of drinking coffee.
While many have heard that one too many espresso shots or lattes can cause anxiety, raise heart rates, and cause high blood pressure, few know about the danger that they place themself in when they indulge in…
One Major Side Effect of Eating Mushrooms, Says New Study
Whether you enjoy mushrooms stir-fried, sautéed, or grilled, this member of the fungi family provides more than a rich umami flavor to your scrambled eggs, appetizers, and entrées.
According to research presented at a March 2021 meeting at the Endocrine Society, white button mushrooms may slow down the progression of prostate cancer. Since the study authors had previously discovered in a phase one clinical trial that this food reduced levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA)—a protein made by the cells in the prostate…