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SHANTA Xiddig Ee Ugu Caqliga Badan Taariikhda Kubadda Cagta Oo Cilmi

Inta ugu badan ciyaartoyda kubadda cagta caalamka ayaa ah kuwo lagu qiimeeyo taam ahaanshahooda, xawaarahooda iyo xirfadooda balse waxa jira kuwo kale oo hoggaanka ka haya dhinaca caqli badnaanta (IQ).Baadhis ay haatan samaysay jaamacada Stockholm University ayay kusoo saartay 5% dadka ah ee ugu caqliga badan dunida waxaana kusoo baxay shan kamida xiddigaha ugu magaca dheer kubadda cagta.1: Gerard Pique – Natiijadiisa Caqli Badnaanta (170)Aan ku bilawnee booska 1-aad ayuu ku jiraa daafaca Barcelona ee Gerard Pique, 34 sano…

Markii Hore Jamal Musiala, Haatanna Xiddig Kale….. – Bayern Munich

Bayern Munich ayaa mar kale kusoo labo-kaclaysay Chelsea laba sannadood kaddib markii ay ka qaadatay dhaliyaha layaabka leh ee Jamal Musiala oo lagu tilmaamo midka kooxda reer Germany u beddeli doona Robert Lewandowski.Sannadkii 2019 ayay Bayern Munich la saxeexatay Jamal Musiala oo sidii iftiinka uga soo dhex muuqanayay kooxda da’yarta Chelsea, hase yeeshee intaas kuma ekaanin, waxaanay hadda qarka u saaran tahay laacib kale oo cajiib ah.Sida warbaahinta Ingiriisku sheegtay, Bayern Munich ayaa dhexda u xidhatay, waxyarna u…

FADEEXAD: Wayne Rooney Oo Laga Caydhinayo Shaqada Tababarenimo, Saddex

Wayne Rooney ayaa laga caydhinayaa shaqada tababarenimo ee kooxda Derby County oo la sheegayo in kooxdu ay ka fiirsanayso waqtiga ay go’aanka ka gaadhayso, kaddib markii uu la tuntay saddex haween ah, markii dambena ay midkood wada tageen qol ku yaallay hotel uu seexday, taas oo sawir iska qaadday iyadoo qaybta sare oo dhan qaawan tahay, kuna dul-jiifta Rooney oo u muuqday inuu dhunkanayo/shuminayo.Halyeyga Manchester United ayaa hore u sheegay in gabadhani ay qasabtay oo uu ka dacweeyey booliska, laakiin hadda waxa soo…

RIKOODH: Real Madrid Oo Diiwaangelisay Rikoodh Cajiib Ah Kaddib Iibkii

Kaddib markii uu Rahael Varane 50 milyan oo Euro ugu wareegay Manchester United, waxa uu baal dahab ah ka galay taariikhda Real Madrid isagoo lagu daray liiska xiddigihii ugu qaalisanaa ee ay abid iibiso kooxda reer Spain. Lacagta laacibkan ay ku iibisay Real Madrid, waxay ka mid noqotay kuwii ugu badnaa ee ay kooxdani ka heshay ciyaartooyo ay iibisay.Xilligan oo lagu jiro Fayraska Korona oo ay dhaqaale xumo jirto iyo in ciyaartoy 11 bilood ka hadhsan yahay waqtiga uu dhamaanayo qandaraaskiisu oo waliba diiday heshiis cusub,…

The biggest teams outside of Europe’s top five leagues

Despite football being a global sport, most of the fanfare and fuss is concentrated within Europe's top five leagues.If you want a career at the top, you've got to be in there. It's a bit of a façade, though. The global game is home to successful teams across each continent and even within Europe, sides with illustrious trophy cabinets and rabid supports are overlooked.Celebrating the best of the rest, here are 30 of club football's biggest sides that sit outside of Europe's top five leagues.Greek royalty / LOUISA…

The biggest transfers that never happened

There's no mill that moves quite like football's transfer rumour mill.Despite there only being two windows a season, transfer talk never quite goes away. And why should it? We all lap it up, no matter how absurd the rumours are.The best rumours, though, are the ones that never seem to go away, despite there being a collective understanding that it's never happening; players suddenly become more remembered for their stint with a club they never joined. With that in mind, here are 30 of the best examples.He'd suit red and…

Most expensive transfers in football history

A large transfer fee can be a blessing or a curse. It is a sign of great faith to spend such a huge amount of money on one player, but it carries with it the expectation that the player will reward that faith with performances - and if they do not, fans will not be forgiving. Many great players have risen to the pressure of their transfer fee, but others have been crushed under the burden of expectations placed upon them. Let's take a look at the 50 most expensive transfers of all time.Hakimi chose PSG over Chelsea / FRANCK…

Sir Alex Ferguson’s final Manchester United squad

Bowing out after an illustrious and sickeningly trophy-laden managerial career at the end of the 2012/13 season, Sir Alex Ferguson was always going to do it in style.Mustering up everything he could possibly give in one last crack of the whip, signing Robin van Persie and a few other youthful prodigies was the plan to secure Manchester United's 20th league title. Spoiler - it worked.That 2012/13 squad had a bit of everything, from superstars to veterans, to young prodigies and those in between. We all saw how it…

Players who had a second spell with their former club

Beyond the match-winning saves, screamers from distance and endless work rate on the pitch, football loves a good romance angle.And there's no better romance angle in football than when a player decides to pack their bags and return to a former home, often where they once enjoyed some of their best years. Some see it as a step back and there is always risk of tarnishing a legacy, but when it comes off, it's the stuff of dreams.Here are the best 30 instances of when a player has headed back to a former club.Cole during his…

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