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West Africa
Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.
Burkina Faso: the country is setting up a solar panel factory
Burkina Faso has a factory plant for solar panels. A first in West Africa that confirms the call from this country that is engaged in mastering its entire solar industry. Supported by the government, Faso Energy has just launched its production. The state, which multiplies the creation of solar power plants, places orders for it to support the sector.…
Nigeria: the results of 60 years of independence
On October 1, 1960, Nigeria, a former British colony, became the largest independent state on the African continent. What political, economic, social and cultural results can we draw from these sixty years of independence?
With our guests:- Remi Sonaiya, author, former professor of French language and applied linguistics,…
a mayor of Minembwe to put an end to “conflicts between communities”
In the DRC, bourgmesters in the Minembwe rural areas were officially installed on Sunday on the occasion of the passage of the peace caravan that resided in the Fizi area, often at the heart of conflicts between communities in the southern part of the southern province. -Kivu. But the rural municipality of Minembwe is not unanimous for babembe.
During his speech to the inhabitants of Minembwe, the governor of South Kivu, Théo Ngwabidje, who accompanied the peace chariot, is optimistic: “Since the creation of Minembwe…
justice rejects the election of Noma Oumarou at the head of Mature Fa Lumana
The legal battle over the leadership of the main opposition party, Mature FaLumana, continues in Niger. The Niamey tribunal de grande instance issued an order on Tuesday ordering Noma Oumarou to stop behaving as party chairman.
The decision taken by the Niamey tribunal de grande instance orders "the cessation of the blatantly illegal suffering created by Noma Oumarou, who continues to behave as president of the Mature FaLumana Party". The judges also order Noma Oumarou to stop "using party attributes".
The party of the…
CEI prepares the final electoral roll
In Côte d'Ivoire, just over a month before the presidential election, the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) announced on Tuesday 29 September that it had drawn up its final electoral roll on 24 September. The country now has 7.5 million voters. Aiming for group breaks from the opposition, the institution intends to continue its march towards the presidential election on 31 October despite criticism and ultimatums.
The numbers on the final electoral roll confirm this: Ivorians have registered in numbers this year.…
In focus: still no lifting of sanctions in Mali
"Mali is far from restoring trade and diplomatic exchanges with its neighbors, ECOWAS member states, notes the Maliweb information pagedespite the appointment of a retired soldier as president and a civilian at the head of the transitional government. "What is stuck for the subregional organization are the powers given to the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the coup leaders on 18 August. In fact, he…
what equation for the formation of the transitional government?
Appointed Prime Minister of Mali on Sunday, Moctar Ouane was received on Monday by the president and the first interim vice-president, and he began consultations with a view to forming a government. Its aim is to put together a team of women and men with different backgrounds, a government with national unity, by also offering positions to armed groups involved in the peace process.
Discussions are being held in Kati, near Bamako, and the soon-to-be-disbanded junta, but also in the office of the President of the…
a 22 billion euro plan to revive the economy
How to revive Senegal's economy? The issue was at the heart of a presidential council on Tuesday, September 29th. Representatives of the government, the private sector and partners from the country gathered around Macky Sall. The authorities presented a € 22.4 billion plan and defined priority sectors.
"After the defense, we must go on the attack" to regain growth according to the sports formula used by the head of state. And to this the authorities have adjusted their strategy with new priorities: "Firstly: Accelerate…
Ivory Coast: The BJKD Foundation will internationalize its award for young entrepreneurship
In Côte d'Ivoire, the BJKD Foundation (Bénédicte Janine Kacou Diagou) has just arranged the 3rd edition of its Young Entrepreneurship Award. The winners were announced during a ceremony held in Abidjan on 19 September. In the choice of projects, the BJKD award emphasizes gender parity. And the podium for the 2020 vintage was dominated by women.…
a plague on the economies of the African continent
Corruption, smuggling, tax evasion ... Capital flight would represent $ 88 billion a year in lost earnings for the continent. An estimate from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Unctad.
According to the UN, the capital flight on the continent would represent $ 88 billion, but since this is illegal practice, it is an estimate. A rather low estimate even indicates Unctad. These $ 88 billion lost to African countries more or less represent what the continent receives each year if we add official…