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East Africa

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Tigray conflict: terror in Adi Gudem [5/5]

The conflict has been going on since November in the province of Tigray. This northern region is still plagued by violence between the former TPLF power on the one hand, the federal army, Eritrean soldiers and Amhara's militiamen on the other. The conflict has killed thousands and caused significant damage. Several abuses have been documented, mainly carried out by the Ethiopian and Eritrean armies whose soldiers are now inspiring terror and anger among the Tigrays. Adi Gudem: Soldiers are everywhere on the streets of…

Ethiopia rejects the Commission of Inquiry

The investigation into the atrocities committed in Tigray has barely been initiated by the African Commission on Human and Human Rights and has already been rejected by Addis Ababa. as reported from Nairobi, Sebastien nemethIn northern Ethiopia, Tigray has been in conflict since November between federal and regional powers. The…

Al-Shabaab introduces Arabic study program to Somali schools

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Al-Shabaab activists have stepped up their urge to change the status quo and hijack institutions in Somalia, targeting the school curriculum as one of their strategies to attract more supporters in a bid to overthrow the fragile backed Somali administration by the UN. The Arabic language has been one of the group's preferred languages ​​due to its affiliation with Al-Qaida, a Middle East-based terrorist group that, among other things, supports draconian Sharia law that both discriminates against women…

The first Zambian president, Kenneth Kaunda, is

The Zambian government on Thursday announced the death at the age of 97 of the country's first president, Kenneth Kaunda, the father of the independence of the former British protectorate, which he led for 27 years. He was nicknamed "African Gandhi" for his non-violent activism. Kenneth Kaunda led the former northern Rhodesia to bloodless independence in 1964. He "died peacefully" at 2.30pm (12.30pm GMT) in hospital, said Secretary of State Simon Miti on Thursday. National mourning for 21 days has been declared. The…

EU cuts KDF pay by $ 49 million for Somalia mission

NAIROBI, Kenya - Kenya Defense Forces will have to operate with a $ 49 million deficit in the 2021/22 budget, it emerged, after the European Union slashed donor repayments to Kenya by 66%, ahead of AMISOM's exit from Somalia . AMISOM troops are expected to withdraw from the Horn of Africa nation upon full implementation of the Somali transition plan by the end of 2021. AMISOM has nearly 22,000 troops in Somalia, fully paid by the European Union, the UN, the United States among other partners. In a report tabled in…

Somali, Kenyan ministers in ‘cordial’ phone call amid diplomacy

Somali, Kenyan ministers in 'cordial' phone call amid diplomatic fallout NAIROBI, Kenya - Relations between Mogadishu and Nairobi could improve dramatically following a rare phone call involving two high-ranking ministers, charged with settling diplomatic issues, who have typically taken Somalia and Kenya to a crossroads. For almost a year now, Somalia and Kenya have been at loggerheads, their…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed campaigns in UN vehicle amid suspected genocide in Tigray ADDIS ABABA - In one of the most unprecedented gestures, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was photographed in a United Nations-owned vehicle while campaigning, ahead of the general election on June 21, which could spark a debate on the UN's commitment to end the war against the Tigrayans. Over the…

New research assesses the effects of mobile money service on small and

New research assesses effects of mobile money service on small and medium-sized businesses in Somalia To disseminate the newly discovered knowledge among researchers and the public, the Research and Development Center of SIMAD University organized a forum for disseminating research results at the Primo Palace. Ustad Abdinor Ali Mohamed, Principal Researcher and Lecturer at the Faculty of…

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab

Biden to send US special forces to Somalia at war with Al-Shabaab WASHINGTON, United States - A contingent of US military special forces could be sent to Somalia in the coming weeks, it has been learned, just weeks after former President Donald Trump withdrew soldiers serving in the war-torn country. war. A proposal by President Joe Biden, which was seen by The New York Times, suggests the…

The United States was able to return troops to

According to the US press, the Pentagon is considering sending several dozen special forces to fight the Islamic Shebab terrorists. A decision that would abolish the sudden return of the 700 US troops permanently based in Somalia, until former President Trump decided on a total withdrawal in January. as reported from Nairobi,…

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