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East Africa

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arrests after rumors unfold round

In Tanzania, the mystery is getting thicker. It has been 18 days since President John Magufuli appeared in public. Is he hospitalized for Covid-19? And if so, where? The authorities remain silent. The government is even trying to prevent rumors about the president's state of health from spreading by making arrests. John…

Michelle Obama says Meghan’s interview is

Michelle Obama says Meghan's interview is heartbreaking Michelle Obama said Meghan's memories of a remark by a member of the British royal family about the possible darkness in her son's skin were heartbreaking, and that she hoped Meghan's experiences would be a lesson to the world. Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, accused an unidentified royal family member of raising racist…

Why Somalia is vital to Egypt within the Nile Dam

Why Somalia is important to Egypt in the Nile Dam CAIRO - Political relations are changing rapidly in the Middle East and Africa - including relations between Egypt and Somalia, which appear to have cooled with the neutral Somali stance on the crisis in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). On March 8, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi received the new Somali ambassador…

Karthoum speaks for a sq. mediation

The Sudanese Prime Minister has asked an international "quartet" to take the lead in the dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the filling of the Renaissance dam. The second phase of filling the reservoir is to begin next summer. This appeal is above all a sign of the closer bond that now unites Khartoum and Cairo towards their opponent.…

Somalia: Farmajo receives 1st dose of COVID vaccine

Somalia: Farmajo receives 1st dose of COVID vaccine MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Tuesday received the first shot of the historic COVAX vaccine to launch a vaccination campaign in the country. Farmajo described his decision as an important example of getting any Somali to see how safe the vaccines are and feel comfortable taking them. "I…

Magufuli: Questions requested about lacking Tanzania

Where is Tanzania's President John Magufuli? On Tuesday, it is 17 days since the 61-year-old has been seen in public, and despite a scream of rumors of ill health, the Tanzanian authorities have not yet provided clear answers as to his whereabouts. The issue alone is now leading to arrests as the government tries to curb rumors. And analysts say the silence says. "I think whatever happens ... it's absolutely true that the regime is trying to buy time," said Nic Cheeseman, a professor of democracy at…

Madagascar shocked by video from funeral

In Madagascar, it's a short video that has not stopped running on social networks since this weekend. This is the funeral of a young domestic worker at the non-Muslim cemetery in Jubai, Saudi Arabia. The young woman's body, wrapped in a single white sheet, is buried using a bulldozer. Images that aroused emotion and indignation among a population that respected funeral rituals, and which in turn revive…

Mozambique militants neck proper kids, Save the

Children as young as 11 were beheaded in Mozambique's northern province of Cabo Delgado, the UK-based charity Save the Children said on Tuesday as the humanitarian crisis escalated, with nearly 670,000 people displaced by the extremist uprising. Save the Children said it had spoken to displaced families describing "scary scenes" of murder, including mothers whose young sons were killed. In one case, the woman hid helplessly with her three other children when her 12-year-old was murdered nearby. "That…

Stability in jeopardy as Somalia and Kenya spit over

Stability in jeopardy as Somalia and Kenya spit across the sea border The ongoing standoff between Kenya and Somalia over a large area of ​​the Indian Ocean has caused concern among hundreds of thousands of people who depend on the region's rich fishing areas to survive. "We are really concerned," Kenyan fisherman Adam Lali told DW. "If border issues are not handled well, they will…

many European golf equipment block theirs

A few days before the international break (March 22-31), several European clubs have announced that they will not let their African players play for the last two days of the CAN qualifier. A FIFA circular authorizes them to do so due to the health crisis. This situation worries and irritates the coaches. At the end of the…

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