Spalletti Continues Quest for Solutions, Commits to Leading Italy’s National Team

Italy’s performance in Euro 2024 was underwhelming, culminating in a 2-0 defeat to Switzerland and an early exit. Yet, coach Luciano Spalletti retains his position at the helm of the Azzurri. The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) reaffirmed their support for Spalletti, who took over from Roberto Mancini last year.

Spalletti acknowledges that the squad didn’t provide the outcomes he anticipated during the tournament. Despite these setbacks, he is committed to overhauling the team’s lineup, injecting fresh, youthful energy into the roster. With an average age of just under 27 at the outset of Euro 2024, Italy boasted the fifth-youngest squad. Spalletti plans to further decrease this average, all part of a grander scheme to prepare Italy for the 2026 World Cup, hoping to break their streak of missing the last two tournaments.

Gabriele Gravina, president of FIGC, insists on sticking with the multi-year plan they began just months ago, despite the recent shortcomings. “We stand transparent and accountable,” Gravina stated, underscoring their lengthy discussion and commitment to continuity.

Spalletti remains optimistic: “Yesterday’s game has reset us, and we restart from scratch. I will cultivate a younger, vibrant team,” he declared. Regarding his coaching style and the criticism he faced for over-intensifying training and using tales as motivation, Spalletti remains unapologetic, emphasizing the significance of exemplary figures and a clear direction in life.

“The setback we faced was unacceptable,” Spalletti expressed, determined to set things right. “You have yet to see my best. I’m set on embedding vigorous new strategies as we bounce forward from these challenges.”

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