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Koeman worried about the Messi contract

Barcelona manager Ronald Koeman has admitted that he feels nervous about the future of Lionel Messi, who is no longer linked with the club after his contract expired.Messi, who became a free agent on July 1, has agreed on most terms in a new contract but has had to wait by Barcelona, ​​who need to lower their salary budget by a huge 170 million pounds to get back under the salary cap before they can sign Messi.The scope of the information means that there is a real possibility that Barcelona will not be able to write about…

Louis van Gaal Oo Daboolka Ka Qaaday Sababtii Ay Euro Ugu Fashilmeen

Tababarihii hore ee kooxaha Manchester United iyo Barcelona ee Louis van Gaal ayaa waraysi uu siiyey wargeyska L’Equipe waxa uu ku gorfeeyey xiddiga Faransiiska ah ee Kylian Mbappe iyo bandhiggii uu ka sameeyey tartanka qaramada Yurub.Louis van Gaal waxa uu sheegay, in da’yarkani aanu xeelad ahaan wali heersare ahayn, sidoo kalena xulka dalka France ay haysatay tababare xumo tartankii Euro ee ay wareegga 16ka kaga hadheen.Tababarahan hore ee xulka qaranka Netherlands ayaa yidhi: “Anigu gudaha kuma jirin laakiin arrimo…

DAAWO: Kasper Schmeichel Oo Garsooraha U Sheegay In Laysar Indhaha

Goolhayaha xulka qaranka Denmark ee Kasper Schmeichel ayaa shaaciyey inuu garsooraha u cawday oo uu u sheegay in laysar indhaha lagaga hayo ka hor intii aanu Harry Kane ku laadin rikoodhaha kulankii England ee semi-finalka Euro 2020.Kasper Schmeichel oo u ciyaara Leicester City ayaa badbaadiyey rikoodhihii uu Kane ku laaday ka hor intii kubadda oo uu soo tufay aan lagu celinin ee aan laga dhalin.Xidhiidhka kubadda cagta Yurub ayaa shalay shaaciyey in ay ganaax ku ridayaan xulka Ingiriiska iyagoo ka duulaya laysarka indhaha…

Euro 2020 final: Italy vs England preview

Here we are. It's the big one. Euro 2020 final. Italy vs England.England has grown in confidence as the tournament has developed and was good value for its victory over Denmark in the semi-finals. They now want to win their first European Championship and their first major honor since 1966.As for Italy, they have been the prominent side of Euro 2020 so far, although they had to limp to the finish line after being penalized by Spain in their own semi-final.Here is everything you need to know about the final.When is kick…

England predicted the lineup against Italy

England will win their first ever European Championship when they face Italy in Sunday's Euro 2020 final.The Three Lions have found their form at the perfect time and ran through Germany, Ukraine and Denmark in the knockout stages with very few releases, and they will have the support of the Wembley crowd for this significant occasion.It's Gareth Southgate's toughest test so far, and here he can set up.Walker was brilliant against Denmark / Visionhaus / Getty ImagesJordan Pickford (GK) - Pickford looked a bit shaky at times…

England vs. Italy classic combined XI

If Euro 2020 has taught us anything, it is that England and Italy will shape the future of international football in Europe.Gareth Southgate and Roberto Mancini, the couple as they are difficult mother ****** as they are, have put together a couple of pages that may well dominate the scene in the coming years. But we can not enter the first major tournament final ever between these two sides without also looking back on the past. Apparently it has been Italy who controlled, won five major tournaments and made four more…

LeBron James Oo Noqday Ciyaartoyga Aflagaaddada Ugu Badan Loo Geystay

LeBron James ayaa noqday ciyaartoyga loogu aflagaadaynta badan yahay guud ahaan ciyaaraha kala duwan ee dunida laga ciyaaro, waxaana uu noqday dhibbanaha cayda ugu badan loo geysto maalin walba.Xiddiga kooxda LA Lakers ee NBA-da maraykanka ayaa loo diiwaangeliyey in uu yahay laacibka aflagaaddada ugu badan loogu geysto barta bulshada ee Twitterka.LeBron James oo ay bartiisa Twitter-ka ku xidhan yihiin 49.8 milyan oo qof, ayaa xilli ciyaareedkan aan awoodin in uu Lakers geeyo finalada NBA-da, waxaana si xun u garaacday…

Italy’s road to Euro 2020 final

Of course, all England fans in the world will be saddened by the thought of the Three Lions winning Euro 2020, so let's just take a step back one second and realize the challenge that still lies ahead.Co-finalists Italy are currently on an unbeaten 33-match and to make England's task even more difficult, they will also face the best - dressed, coolest manager ever in Roberto Mancini - it certainly does not make the task more difficult, but we just wanted to mention it.Gli Azzurri looked brilliant in the group stage and they…

Jose Mourinho Oo Siddeed Ciyaartoy Ka Caydhiyey Tababarkii U Horreeyey

Jose Mourinho ayaaan wax waqti ah iska lumin, waxaanu durba bilaabay shaqo degdeg ah isla maalintiisii ugu horreysay ee uu tababarka u bilaabay.Tababaraha reer Portugal ayaa loo mgacaabay Roma ka hor intii aanu dhamaanin xilli ciyaareedku, waxyar kaddib markii ay Tottenham shaqada ka caydhisay isagoo keenay finalka Carabao Cup, isla markaana sugaya in uu kulankaas hoggaamiyo, koobkana u dagaallamo.Spurs ayaa sugi kari weyday inta uu xilli ciyaareedka dhamaysanayo maadaama ay kooxdu ku jirtay kaalinta toddobaad, laakiin waqti…

Tottenham, Southampton, Newcastle & Wolves track Hoppe

Exclusive - Schalke are guilty of bidding from a handful of Premier League sides who want to sign 20-year-old American forward Matthew Hoppe.Hoppe advanced at the beginning of 2021 with a Hattrick in a 4-0 victory against Hoffenheim that triggered a run of five goals in just three games, and 90 minutes already revealed in February that sides from all over Europe closely followed young people forward.Sources have since confirmed to 90 Minutes in Germany that interest in Hoppe has not disappeared and there are four Premier…

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