teachers support students who are opposed

In Burkina Faso, the Federation of Education and Research Unions has supported students who have been fighting for several weeks against the reform of exams.

The Ministry of National Education had announced reforms on BEPC and BAC degrees, including the abolition of a subject in certain subjects and the organization of bac which will fall to the Ministry of National Education and no to higher education. According to the students, this reform will result in a quota on the number of students to be registered at public universities. After the latest demonstrations, a student recovered from his injuries after being shot.

The Federation of Education and Research Workers’ Union (F-synths) has also just rejected these reforms and will help reduce access to public universities in the coming years.

According to F-synths, it is only economic reasons that drive the government to want to introduce these reforms. Its Secretary-General believes that the government hopes to reduce the cost of organizing school exams by eliminating certain subjects.

The Federation of Educational Unions supports students in their struggle. But the union denies any allegations that students are being manipulated by teachers.


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