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Ivory Coast: A Literacy Center Aims to Offer More

Empowering Women Through Literacy in Côte d'Ivoire For nearly a quarter-century, the International Association of Women of Côte d'Ivoire (AIFCI) has been lifting women—regardless of age—out of illiteracy. The free center, powered by dedicated volunteers, offers a lifeline in Anoumabo, a bustling neighborhood brimming with people eager to learn. At the heart of Anoumabo's literacy center, life pulses with activity. Women of all ages gather, united by the common goal of learning. Bema Kamagate, a volunteer CP2 teacher,…

coaching facilities to fight

People with disabilities are marginalized in comparison with the remaining of society, they've much less entry to schooling and thus to employment. According to NGO Humanity and Inclusion (previously Handicap International), they characterize probably the most…

striking teachers keep the pressure on

The "We Supported Too Much" movement (OTS), which launched the "dead chalk" operation on February 21, has still not lifted its strike slogan. Other teachers, especially those in primary school who had been relatively behind until then, have also joined the…

Mali: school on the radio for children outside the school of

The Ségou region, in southern Mali, hosts many displaced families. For its children, Unicef ​​distributed 3,000 solar-powered radios in four regions of the country to provide educational programs to more than 18,000 students, to prevent school dropouts. From our correspondent in Bamako,Eight young girls gathered around Aïssata.…

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