Somali Opposition Advises President Hassan Sheikh Against Prolonging His Term

From left to right: Former President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, once-Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire, and Opposition Leader Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame have formed a united front against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. They’re strongly opposing what they claim are his actions to prolong his presidency—a move they argue would breach the constitution and jeopardize the nation’s political steadiness.

Mogadishu (AX) — Three prominent Somali opposition leaders are ringing alarm bells against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s rumored maneuver to extend his rule. They believe this extension could disrupt the nation’s peace and transgress its constitution. In a collaborative announcement made Saturday, former President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, ex-Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire, and political challenger Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame contend that the president is stalling elections and seeks to expand the reach of regional mandates to consolidate his grip on power.

The opposition accuses President Hassan Sheikh of tinkering with Somalia’s democratic rhythm by stalling national polls and prolonging the terms of regional leaders beyond their due dates. They assert this tactic defies constitutional norms and endangers Somalia’s political peace.

“Laws form the bedrock upon which governance stands,” affirmed their joint statement, lambasting the president’s deeds as unlawful. The threesome also underline the pressing need for national togetherness and dialogue to address issues, including the lurking external menace posed by Ethiopia’s military intrusion into Somali waters.

The opposition charges President Hassan Sheikh with scheming to expand regional mandates until May 2026 without conducting essential elections, branding this an unlawful power crusade. They caution that elections, which were due earlier this year, linger unresolved, and further delays might erode Somalia’s democratic achievements.

“We vigorously disapprove of the imposed extensions by the President on regional governors,” articulated the leaders. They accuse President Hassan Sheikh of diverting the nation from its constitutional pathway by stalling obligatory elections.

The no-show by Northeastern State’s President Said Abdullahi Deni at this week’s National Consultative Council (NCC) assembly underscores substantial regional discontent with central governance. Deni, expressing his displeasure with federal interference and concerns over resource sharing and political voice, has decided to boycott the discussions. His defiance, coupled with Jubaland’s pushback against the federal endorsement of a one-person, one-vote (1PV) election system, forms obstacles in solving the national political turmoil.

The opposition implores regional leaders, especially from Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and South West states, to dismiss any unconstitutional mandate extensions and prioritize timely elections.

The Jubbaland President’s decision to reject a mandate extension without addressing ongoing national political issues received commendation. “We applaud the Jubbaland President’s stance on honoring the law and halting regional elections until the political standoff is resolved,” stated the opposition voices.

They add that any steps to extend the president’s term might face dissent within Somalia and attract global disapproval. “Both the Somali populace and the global community must safeguard the constitution and reject any endeavors to amplify the president’s rule,” they remarked, hinting at past pushbacks against similar undertakings by former leaders.

The statement further cautioned President Hassan Sheikh against utilizing state funds to pressure regional officials into endorsing his prolonged tenure, denouncing such moves as “destabilizing.” The president is urged to uphold the legal protocols and steer clear of actions likely to inflame the political heat.

Below is a translated version of the press release from Somali to English:


Reference: S/03/24 Date: 07/10/24

Back in February, we jointly disseminated a note bearing reference S/02/04 to President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, beckoning him to govern with sagacity and empathy, to forge unity among the Somali populace, embracing dialogue and compromise to chart a common future. We underscored camaraderie to counter the external threat manifesting from Ethiopian assaults on our maritime precincts.

President Hassan Sheikh has, in the past, been found violating the constitutional charter by his attempt to extend his rule and imposing verdicts without consulting the citizenry or consultative bodies. We sounded warnings against this undemocratic trajectory, and with local elections bypassed without concrete electoral blueprints, it’s apparent that he’s angling to linger in power election-free.

The governance edifice rests upon the rule of law, with political tenures anchored in the constitution. We staunchly resist the President’s thrust to prolong regional leaders’ mandates, with expiration on their horizon, advocating for their replacement, not extension until May 15, 2026.

Regrettably, the president, elected to guard the constitution and uphold legal principles, now seeks tenure extension under the guise of political unrest and national security qualms. Such a maneuver breaches legal statutes, and we categorically reject it.

Instead of concentrating on unifying the nation, combating terrorism, and addressing Ethiopian maritime encroachments, the President seems to prioritize personal political agendas, undermining national unity and vigor.

We, alongside the international cohort, assert our refusal to entertain unlawful tenure extensions today, just as we opposed similar antics from prior regimes. We commit to conserving the constitutional essence, shunning any attempts from Hassan Sheikh to exploit it politically. His endeavor to harness the constitution for his perpetuation in office faces repudiation, paralleling responses to his predecessor.

We urge regional leaders from Galmudug, South West State, and Hirshabelle to spurn unconstitutional mandate escalations and assure adherence to election timelines. Our federal republic’s framework necessitates local, regional, and federal electoral happenings in compliance with constitutional dictates.

The Jubbaland’s unwavering stance to defer regional polls until resolving the national political quagmire has our accolades. It embodies a commitment to legal adherence and proper governance restoration.

In closing, we implore the President to assemble all regional figureheads, including Northeastern State, engaging in deliberations to safeguard national cohesion and stability.

Lastly, we caution against employing federal treasury to coerce regional entities into backing dubious tenure extensions, recognizing the resultant political disruption and jeopardy to national prospects.


  • Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed
  • Hassan Ali Khaire
  • Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame

Edited by: Ali Musa

Axadle international–Monitoring

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