Somali Farmers in Wales Leave Senator Angus King in Awe with Their Thriving Farm

“I love everything about this place – the food, the connection to the land, and the community,” King expressed.

During his visit, Libah shared the story of the Somali community farmers who founded and nurtured the farm.

Since 2021, the farm on Gardiner Road has been the focal point for over 200 farmers growing a variety of produce for personal consumption and selling at markets like the Mainers Feeding Mainers program.

Before Cultivating Community and Liberation Farms, farming was a struggle for the Somali community, Libah explained.

Established in 2001, Cultivating Community aims to provide outdoor educational experiences, culturally significant foods, and community growing spaces for immigrants and communities of color.

Libah, along with some farmers, showed King around the farm, including goats, a halal slaughter station, and fields full of fresh seedlings.

“Our people are skilled farmers,” Libah proudly stated.

“You’re onto something great with the right people at the right time,” King commended them.

King was happy to see small farms thriving in Maine once more, despite a slight decrease in recent years.

With the average Maine farmer being 57.5 years old, King is encouraged by younger generations getting involved in farming.

King noted the increase in produce diversity, moving beyond just potatoes and blueberries to include products like broccoli.

He also appreciated the federal grants that aided in the success of Liberation Farms.

Upon leaving, King extended well wishes to the farmers and jokingly requested some red cabbage to be saved for him.

“Save some red cabbage for me,” he added with a smile.

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