Northeastern State Cracks Down on Plastic Bags with Comprehensive Ban

Northeastern State Prohibits Plastic Bags

AXADLE, Somalia – Taking a robust stance on environmental preservation, Northeastern State’s president, Said Abdullahi Deni, has outlawed the import, sale, and use of plastic bags in the region. Pioneering this endeavor, Deni is the first regional leader to champion this initiative, matching similar efforts worldwide.

Struggling against climate change’s harsh impacts, Somalia has endured frequent droughts and torrential downpours resulting in flooding and famine, presenting significant challenges.

During World Environment Day festivities in Garowe, Deni declared that his government would outlaw plastic bags. Northeastern State stands out as the initial Somali state to issue such a directive.

This decisive action follows in-depth discussions by The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change with businesses, environmental scholars, and the public, highlighting the urgency to combat plastic pollution.

“We’ve banned plastic bag import, trade, and use in Northeastern State,” declared Deni. “We will address anyone engaged in environmental harm across our region. Everyone must adhere to this mandate.”

Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamad Farole, Regional Minister for Environment and Climate Change, endorsed the ban and assured that his department would craft policies safeguarding nature for the coming generations.

“Our Ministry of Environment has recently ramped up educational campaigns on ecological protection, stressing that community engagement is vital for success,” he remarked.

The theme for this year’s event, “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience,” featured various attendees, including President Said Abdullahi Deni, ministers, parliamentarians, police, international bodies, and numerous representatives, as noted by Farole.


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