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Northeastern State Cracks Down on Plastic Bags with Comprehensive Ban

Northeastern State Prohibits Plastic Bags AXADLE, Somalia - Taking a robust stance on environmental preservation, Northeastern State's president, Said Abdullahi Deni, has outlawed the import, sale, and use of plastic bags in the region. Pioneering this endeavor, Deni is the first regional leader to champion this initiative, matching similar efforts worldwide. Struggling against climate change's harsh impacts, Somalia has endured frequent droughts and torrential downpours resulting in flooding and famine, presenting…

“They carry heavy luggage ten hours a day”

Saturday 12 June is World Day Against Child Labor, a day organized under the auspices of the UN. Three days ago, Unicef ​​and the International Labor Organization pointed out in a report the increase in the number of children forced to work in the world due to the effects of the pandemic. Children's rights NGOs warn of the physical, health and economic consequences of these forms of exploitation for minors. The majority of them are between 5 and 11 years old. According toa report published by Unicef ​​and the…

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