I won’t run for president, says Somali Prime Minister Roble

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has dispelled doubts about his presidential candidacy days after being associated with the move, following his incredible strategy to resolve electoral disputes.

Roble, who was first incorporated into government in October 2020, was named as a possible surprise candidate for the election after resolving disputes that nearly plunged the country into possible lawlessness after months of disagreements.

Last month, Roble held a nationwide conversation that brought together all political players in the country, which subsequently led to an amicable resolution of the electoral conflict, earning him praise from different parts of the country. .

Speaking at a welcoming ceremony in the Daynile district of Mogadishu in the capital on Friday, Somali Prime Minister Rooble made it clear that he would not be a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections, freeing the air after days of pressure from an impressed audience.

“All the candidates are the same to me and my top priority now is to achieve free and fair elections,” said Roble, who now assumes the role of one of the best statesmen in the country, who is in ruin for several months. .

During the event, several residents attended and showed confidence in his approach, which even made the opposition leaders satisfied with the process, which had provoked many dissensions for several months. There were concerns that the country would not hold elections.

Roble succeeded Hassan Ali Khaire, one of the men credited with bringing development stability to the country. Khaire has openly expressed his displeasure with President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whose term expired on February 8 this year.

Farmajo has already expressed an interest in defending his seat but he is under constant pressure from the opposition, anxious to consolidate power. Somalia has struggled with instability for three decades now.


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