Hirshabelle Vice President Urges Respect for Hawadle Clan Chief’s Inauguration Ceremony

Beledweyne (AX) – Hirshabelle State Vice President Yusuf Ahmed Hagar Dabaged admitted that the enduring political conflict between politicians in the Hiiraan region and the Hirshabelle State authorities has impeded the state’s progress and urged for its swift resolution.

The Vice President shared these sentiments upon his arrival in Beledweyne on Saturday to attend the installation of Ugas Yusuf Ugas Hassan Ugas Khalif, the leader of the Hawadle clan.

“If there are any issues between us, let’s resolve them together through dialogue. We have seen the aftermath of disagreement and disharmony. It’s time to put an end to the strife that has held back Hirshabelle’s advancement,” he emphasized.

Yusuf Dabaged stressed that every past issue can be sorted out and requested the people of Hiiraan to forgive him for any personal conflicts they may have had with him.

“Mistakes happen, and it’s important to address them collectively, striving for the common good. I urge the Somali people, my fellow Beledweyne residents, to focus on our shared values,” he added.

Vice President Yusuf Dabaged of Hirshabelle urged the elders and politicians not to politicize the installation of the Hawadle clan leader, amidst controversy over the event’s venue.

Elders from the Bulaburte district are pushing for the ceremony to be moved to El-dher Daharo Ugasa, a historically significant location for such events. They argue that honoring tradition is vital and have garnered support from other Hawadle factions. This debate has cast doubt on the current arrangements, already delayed multiple times.

“Friends, al-Shabab encircles the El-dher area, presenting security challenges. We lack the time to ensure safety. Our focus is on hosting the ceremony in Beledweyne town. Please refrain from politicizing the chief elder’s installation. Leaders have convened in Beledweyne for this purpose. The Somali community recognizes the Hawadle leader as a unifying figure,” stated President Yusuf Dabaged.

However, the installation ceremony is set for Monday, despite the ongoing disagreement regarding the event’s location, whether it should be held in El-dher or Beledweyne, the Hiiraan region’s capital.

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