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controversy following a presidential ceremony in

President Uhuru Kenyatta has inaugurated five hospitals in the capital Nairobi. Facilities that will be open 24 hours a day, but the ceremonies were held overnight while the country applies curfews to limit the spread of Covid-19. When Kenyans saw the pictures, they reacted strongly, especially on social networks. The KOTs have struck again. Kenyans on Twitter could not help but comment unpleasantly on pictures of Uhuru Kenyatta who cut ties and visited new hospitals at night, as residents are expected to stay home from…

launch ceremony for

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), launched on Monday, April 19, in Kinshasa, the vaccination campaign against Covid-19. Despite the controversy and controversy that the AstraZeneca vaccine has sparked around the world and the media, the Congolese authorities have kept it for the campaign, after an initial launch, as a precautionary measure. The green light was given during a ceremony, in the absence…

funding rite by means of Mohamed Bazoum positioned

Mohamed Bazoum's investment comes in a tense context, while his choice is still being questioned by the opposition, that an attempted coup failed overnight Tuesday to Wednesday and that the country has experienced these fifteen deadliest terrorist attacks in recent years. It is this Friday in Niamey that the new democratically…

symbolic rite for the sufferers of

A symbolic ceremony to compensate the victims was organized on Tuesday, March 30, in Bamako by the Malian Transitional Authorities and the International Criminal Court. The incident follows the ICC's conviction in 2016 of Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, executive director of the jihadist group Ansar Dine, which led the destruction of the mausoleums in Timbuktu in 2012. The mausoleums have since been rebuilt, and…

a solemn ceremony through the presidency of

Ivory Coast on Wednesday pays tribute to its Prime Minister, who died last week, Hamed Bakayoko, who died of cancer at the age of 56. A charismatic and popular character, admired for his career and also appreciated for his ease in outlining a few dance steps on occasion. Like the character, tribute to him is both official and popular, and it began with a presidential ceremony.…

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