Exploring Eastleigh: Somali President Engages with Local Businesses in Nairobi

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and officials from Kenya visited Somali community businesses in Nairobi’s Eastleigh. They discussed investment opportunities, security, and Somalia’s progress. Mohamud emphasized the importance of following the laws in the countries where Somalis reside.

Eastleigh in Nairobi is home to a vibrant Somali community, creating a bustling commercial hub. President Mohamud’s visit coincided with the African Development Bank’s 2024 Annual Meetings, focusing on restructuring Africa’s financial systems for socio-economic transformation and sustainable development.

The meetings, scheduled from May 27-31, include the 59th Annual Assembly of the African Development Bank and the 50th meeting of the African Development Fund. The theme of “Africa’s Transformation, African Development Bank Group, and Reform of the Global Financial Architecture” highlights the crucial nature of these objectives.

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