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Former Eastleigh Officer Ahmed Rashid’s High-Profile Murder Trial Continues in Nairobi with Key Witnesses on the Stand

Gramps Discovers Tragic News of Grandson's Demise Ramadan Karani, the patriarch of Jamal Mohamed, recounted the horrific moment he learned about his grandson's death through a broadcast. "I saw the news about my grandson Jamal Mohamed on TV. It left me stunned, and I hurriedly reached out to my nephew to verify what had occurred," he relayed to the court. Karani detailed his gut-wrenching visit to the morgue, seeing Jamal's body riddled with bullet holes. During cross-interrogation, Karani was shown pictures of Jamal in a…

Eastleigh Entrepreneurs Alarmed by President Ruto’s Stringent High-Rise Building Limits

Omar Hussein, Secretary General of the Eastleigh Chamber of Commerce, cautioned that the president's recent comments could muddle things up and possibly lead to some hassle for local entrepreneurs. He noted that builders have to follow Nairobi's laws and administrative rules but worried that the new statement might spark arguments about the legality of ongoing construction projects. "The president's latest announcement, combined with his earlier remarks about upping building heights to 30 stories due to limited land, might…

Somalia’s President Explores BBS Mall in Vibrant Eastleigh on Kenya Visit

The outing ended at Jifora restaurant, where President Mohamud enjoyed a delicious meal, drinks, and entertainment. He praised the significance of economic cooperation and building strong connections between Kenya and Somalia. The event drew in excited shoppers and a large group from the Somali community eager to see their leader. The BBS Mall management expressed their delight in hosting President Mohamud and his group, highlighting the positive economic and cultural exchange between Kenya and Somalia. President Mohamud…

Exploring Eastleigh: Somali President Engages with Local Businesses in Nairobi

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and officials from Kenya visited Somali community businesses in Nairobi's Eastleigh. They discussed investment opportunities, security, and Somalia's progress. Mohamud emphasized the importance of following the laws in the countries where Somalis reside. Eastleigh in Nairobi is home to a vibrant Somali community, creating a bustling commercial hub. President Mohamud's visit coincided with the African Development Bank's 2024 Annual Meetings, focusing on restructuring Africa's financial…

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