Ethiopian Rights Watchdog Calls for Ceasefire Amid Intensifying Clashes in Afar and Somali Regions

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AX) — The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has urgently called for a ceasefire amidst rekindled hostilities, civilian casualties, and displacement in the Afar and Somali regions. Though a ceasefire pact was inked in April, the situation has worsened since early June with scattered skirmishes verified by local authorities.

“Combat must end, and focus on durable peace should be amplified,” declared the EHRC in a statement on Friday. They urge immediate action to shield civilians and curb further violence, spotlighting the adverse effects recent clashes have had on people and property.

Deputy Chief Commissioner Rakeb Messele implored national authorities to boost their aid to stop the conflict. “EHRC beckons all parties to channel the spirit of Eid al-Adha festivities to avoid further bloodshed and protect civilians,” Messele pronounced, stressing unity and compassion in these turbulent times.

The discord between the Afar and Somali regions dates back ages, with battles for resources and land fueling tensions. The Federal Islamic Affairs Supreme Council introduced a new peacemaking project in March 2024 to address these deep-seated issues. With representatives from both regions and central authorities on the reconciliation committee, the initiative aims to spark dialogue and stave off future hostilities.

Nonetheless, clashes erupted on June 6, 2024, in the Sitti region, causing severe injuries, fatalities, and significant property loss. The showdown involved regional security forces and underscored the fragile peace process’s vulnerability, demanding bolstered measures.

The Ethiopia Conflict Trends Report on the Afar region points out that enduring peace hinges on tackling the conflict’s root causes, such as resource competition and territorial disputes. For lasting tranquility, they recommend economic growth, better governance, and sustained dialogue directed by both regional and national authorities.

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