Deadly Clan Clashes in Central Somalia Claim Over 55 Lives, Residents Report

MOGADISHU, Somalia – A brutal altercation erupted last weekend in central Somalia, leaving at least 55 dead and 155 injured, according to locals and medics on Monday.

The federal administration in Somalia struggles not only against the brutal al Shabaab faction, tied to Al Qaeda, but also deals with infighting between clans over land and water disputes in the Horn of Africa.

Sparks flew between the Dir and Marihan clans, former allies in pushing al Shabaab out of Galmudug, on Saturday in the towns of Abudwaq and Herale, fighting for grazing spots and water sources, shared Farah Nur, a clan elder from Herale.

“Government troops arrived too late. Tragically, 55 lives were lost among both factions,” he told Reuters.

“Stopping the confrontation was simple, yet it didn’t pan out. Chaos engulfed us swiftly.”

Medical staff from facilities in Herale, Abudwaq, and nearby towns reported tending to 115 wounded individuals. Victims were laid to rest promptly, locals conveyed.

“We suspect al Shabaab has an unseen hand in this bizarre conflict,” stated Ahmed Shire Falagle, security advisor to Galmudug’s president. “These clans previously united to oust al Shabaab.”

Hostilities cooled down after federal forces intervened, according to residents and Falagle.

“There’s a truce now, but tensions remain high. We desperately need a lasting peace,” remarked Sadia Hussein, a mother of four, from Abudwaq.

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