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Search for Survivors Underway After Ethiopian Landslides Claim 229 Lives

Ethiopia Faces Tragedy as Twin Landslides Claim 229 Lives The death toll has surged to 229 following two devastating landslides in southern Ethiopia, according to local officials, as rescue operations entered their second day. Images circulating on social media show throngs of people gathered at the catastrophe site, many desperately digging through the mud with shovels or even their bare hands, shared by the local authorities. A statement from the local Communications Affairs Department confirmed that 148 men and 81…

The Taliban claim control of a strategic Afghan city

The Taliban captured the strategic border crossing between Spin Boldak at the border and Pakistan on Wednesday, and continued to make big gains since foreign forces intensified their withdrawal from Afghanistan. Afghanistan's Interior Ministry denied that the rebels had taken the area even when social media was flooded with…

Berlin rejects the claim for compensation

Since the announcement of an agreement on the recognition of the genocide in Namibia by Germany, criticism has increased in Namibia, focusing on the fact that the text does not prescribe compensation without development aid. The head of German diplomacy reacted on Wednesday in parliament. as reported from Berlin, Pascal…

Villa Somalia rejects the idea of extension “declare”

Villa Somalia rejects the idea of extension "declare" MOGADISHU, Somalia - The workplace of outgoing President Farmajo dismissed allegations that he prolonged his time period by a number of years earlier than withdrawing the choice, arguing that those that "spoil" the allegations are "enemies of progress in the delicate democracy within the Horn of Africa. On April 12, the Home of…

The lower house is re-emerging in Somalia as the claim for extension of the concept fills the air

MOGADISHU, Somalia | Somalia's lower house is coming together again today in the midst of an ongoing stalemate with the national election debate as one of the topics in the order paper, as the international community continues to put pressure on the country's leadership. For the fifth time, the international community called on all stakeholders to find an urgent solution to the current stalemate, arguing that it would be appropriate for political leadership to find a solution for the sake of stability and peace in the…

the government declare that they regain regulate

Almost two weeks after the attack on the port city of Palma by the armed group calling itself Al-Chabab, the Mozambican authorities confirmed on Monday, April 5, to gradually regain control of the situation. "It is not over yet (...) but a significant number of terrorists have been shot," the commander of military operations in…

Somali defense force and Al-Shabaab declare victory in different assaults

Somali military and Al-Shabaab claim victory in several attacks MOGADISHU, Somalia - The al-Qaeda-linked group, Al-Shabaab, claimed victory in several military base attacks in Somalia on Saturday morning, a claim that has been disputed by the federal government in Somalia and the military, which insisted that the militants be rejected. Fierce fighting was reported in Lower Shabelle…

healthcare professionals claim requisition supplements

In Madagascar, paramedics are unhappy. They are still waiting to pay their requisition surcharges during the Covid-19 epidemic. For just over seven months, they were obliged by the state to fight the virus across the country. But none of the island's 7,265 nurses, nurses and midwives received these benefits, says the healthcare association, which has repeatedly challenged the Ministry of Health.…

Tigray forces claim rocket fire at the Eritrean capital

This is perhaps a major step in the conflict that has now plagued Ethiopia against the dissident province of Tigray in the north of the country for twelve days. The Tigray People's Liberation Front, TPLF, claimed this Sunday, November 15, for rocket fire targeting the capital, Eritrea, on Saturday. By accusing him of collaborating with the Ethiopian forces.…

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