Al-Shabaab Devastated by Army Raid: Top Member Slain in Somalia

Somalia: Al-Shabaab grieves over loss of key member in army raid

BAIDOA, Somalia – Al-Shabaab militants based in Somalia are mourning the death of a high-ranking officer who was killed by the Somali National Army (SNA) during a recent operation in the southern regions of the country, marking a significant setback to their cause.

The group has acknowledged the passing of an elder who was killed by government forces in Garasweyne, Bakool region of Southwest state on May 7. The Somali government also confirmed the incident in a separate announcement as reported by state media.

Abdullahi Mohamed Yare, known as “Malaaq Qori”, was a respected elder of a local clan and had been actively involved in aiding the group with recruitment, zakat collection, and establishment of madrasas, as per local reports.

In a recent interview published by state media, a government commander disclosed that he led the operation resulting in the death of Malaaq Qori. His demise has been hailed as a significant victory in the battle against Al-Shabaab insurgents.

Al-Shabaab shadow Governors for Bakool, Sheikh Osman Abu Abdirahman and Galgudud Abdullahi Abu Khalid, were among senior Al-Shabaab figures who paid tribute to Malaaq Qori, describing him as a ‘vital asset in our cause’.

The Al-Shabaab militants have faced severe losses in recent times due to intensified military offensives nationwide. Over the past two years, approximately 3,000 militants have been eliminated in various operations throughout the country.

According to the UN Security Council, Al-Shabaab generates nearly $120 million annually through extortion, alongside contributions from unidentified foreign entities. A significant portion of these funds, approximately $24 million, is directed towards weapon procurement.

In addition to military actions against Al-Shabaab, the government is actively pursuing those supporting the group financially. Last year, about 250 bank accounts linked to the group and 70 mobile money transfer services were frozen, disrupting the group’s financial sources.

To further curb Al-Shabaab’s activities, the government has taken steps to shut down social media platforms and websites promoting the group’s agenda. Consequently, the group’s influence has significantly dwindled in various regions across the country.


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